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The Research Of Li Jianwu’s View Of Literary Criticism

Posted on:2014-01-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ChengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330398479126Subject:Literature and art
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As the most important literary critics and writers of the20th century, Li Jianwu left us a rich literary and cultural heritage."Intuition" impression "of Chinese and Western-style criticism in the stage of development of modern Chinese literature, literary criticism again established equally important artistic and literary creation production values, a strong defense for the independence of literary criticism.The object of this paper is Li Jianwu’s view of literary criticism, the concept of criticism as a kind of attitudes and opinions, including Li Jianwu’s ideals and requirements in the literature. Li Jianwu view of literature and literary criticism, with a focus on trying to sort out Li Jianwu view of literary criticism, history and causes of the formation of Li Jianwu critical practice and creative practice results to examine this concept of criticism of the actual value.The Introduction section introduces the background and objectives This paper attempts to clarify the rationale and justification for the study of Li Jianwu concept of criticism. On this basis, Li Jianwu focus on "how to write""non-mainstream" literary view and free germinal impression criticized the retention and development of the literature has very important significance.The first chapter intended to illustrate the overview of the activities of Li Jianwu literary criticism and academic origins. The first section is intended to account of Li Jianwu’s era literary criticism of the historical situation, briefly lays out the Chinese literary criticism in the1920s and1930s overview. Section2focuses on the literary atmosphere of Li Jianwu "Beijing School" in which the literary group, as well as a brief comparison between the different left-wing revolutionary literature writers and business writer of "Shanghai", Section3expound the influence of the Foreign Literature to Li Jianwu’s Perspectives of Literary Criticism, analyzes Belinsky realism, Flaubert’s realism, German Historicism and Western influence criticism how to effect the formation of Li Jianwu’s Literature Criticism in process. Section IV presents how traditional Chinese literary criticism way of thinking and criticism impact Li Jianwu, the main choice of the image metaphor for Reflection of Life, to prove that the meaning against the transcendent Mystery of Traditional Theory of Li Jianwu Literary Criticism concept of the traditional factors.The second chapter analyzes the Li Jianwu how to express his literary pursuits and the concept of literary criticism in the practice of literary criticism,mainly in the choice of the target of criticism, aesthetic style hobby, characters, emotional rhythm grasp and critical articles writing way to inspect and certify.In addition to critics, Li Jianwu also is an excellent writer, Chapter3arrangd how Li Jianwu embody his literary ideals and in their own creative practice. For example, choose to play fictions, the temper of the handling of the characters, plot arrangement, language and structure of the set.As a liberal scholar, Li Jianwu’s concept of criticism reflects the eternal literary ideal-at a higher level to promote the freedom of thought, filled with the glory of the humanitarian and human care, beyond the material and political shackles. Trying to contribute to the literary liberation of pent-up human nature, and to artistic freedom to build a healthy life. The fourth chapter summarizes the analysis the value of Li Jianwu’s literary criticism at that time and the present:to stick the freedom to speak and criticize the independent value, when the social and political criticism became a tool to discourse imprisonment oppression stifle even deprived life in some political, Li Jianwu’s view of literary criticism highlights the strength of glittering humanity. Review and Reflection on literary criticism tension between the Aesthetic Dimension and Social Care dimension in the moment, and think about how aesthetic awareness of social utility of tolerance and compounds, to get rid of excessive dependence on the substance of literary criticism, to find a balance between the laws of literature in the market, adjustment and establishment of positioning itself has a very important significance.Finally, the article concludes that the literary concept of Li Jianwu to extent, represent a mature awareness of modern Chinese literature, latecomers to learn from. For the literature of the future and the future of,Li Jianwu’s view is positive and optimistic, literature to build the literature for the purpose of the life of the investment and the creation of human nature, literary criticism, therefore, be seen in the long course of literary history,"literary dead "is a false proposition.
Keywords/Search Tags:intuitive impression, Independence, aesthetic freedom, restrainedrestraint
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