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Spirit’s Self-help Of A Generation Of Intellectuals

Posted on:2014-01-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330398461160Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In today’s society economic development is our central task. Pragmatism hedonism and money worship prevail, People are busy stop at nothing to satisfy their own desires, a long accumulation of thousands of years of human civilization and ethics have been left behind. The advancement of science and technology does not promote the vigorous development, but big declines of spirit. People lost faith, devoid of humanity, been lost and broken. Humanistic Spirit and pure literature were crowded into the edge. Facing the decline of spirit and fall of social reality, literature should take up the historic mission of focus on people’s livelihood and save the national spirit. It is in this sense, this article select writer Zhang Wei and his new work you are on the highland as research subjects. This article is based on the results of existing research, analysis of manpower from text, use historical analysis, psychoanalysis, cultural studies and tradeoff studies, breaks into the historical context and cultural context of the text and draw on personal experience to explore the creative thinking and values of you are on the highland. From the criticism of reality to the explore of spirit, this paper want to macroeconomic assurance and study the spirit word of you are on the highland.The introduction section first points out the basis of choice the subject and significance of the research, describes the situation of the text and the study of meaning. Second, it defines the concept of intellectuals, recalls the history fate of the Chinese Intellectual, points out in particular the characteristic of intellectuals in the fifties, combs Zhang Wei’s novels in chronological order and analyzes Zhang Wei’s spiritual journey from the Enlightenment to help himself. At last it introduce the current research and findings of the text and points out that the research methods and research objectives of this article.Chapter I explores Zhang Wei why to save himself s spirit, analyze the situation of the intellectual spirit from the political history and social realities. In the political history, it focuses on relationship between intellectuals and rulers. Intellectuals have a natural attachment or even dependent psychology on political. Rulers fear, use or even eliminated intellectuals. Intellectuals always difficult to get rid of political control and reconstruction. Judging from social reality, modern crisis triggered the flood of popular culture, the moral spirit has been fallen. Intellectuals in the fifties lost spirit under the political and economic squeezed.Chapter II explore the road of Zhang Wei’s spirit self-help from the text content. First Zhang Wei wandering the plains, comfort wound to the heart in nature and search of spiritual homeland in wandering. Second, Zhang Wei withdraw the vineyard, received mental transient place in his old town and get the meeting of the heart in the labor and natural. Last, Zhang Wei watch the plateau, hold ideal and get forces to continue to explore in the plateau Utopia.Chapter III analyze the reason of Zhang Wei’s mental self-help failed from his limitations of the spirit exploring and point out the inadequate on novel’s content implication. Zhang Wei’s spirits resources is lack, plain and vineyards have a natural defect, the plateau Utopia within sight but beyond reach. He place the hope of self-help on these must lead to the failure. Zhang Wei stick to Cultural Conservatism position, Ideological and understanding one-sided. He neither absorb the essence of traditional culture, nor actively accept modern Western civilization. He takes the traditional and the modern binary oppositions. Zhang Wei has defects that Intellectuals are difficult to overcome. His thinking and behavior are weak and his spirit is aristocratic. He can’t recognize and redemption torment enough, so he difficult to achieve the effect of religious en spirit redemption.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhang Wei, Intellectuals, spirit’s self-help
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