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The Study Of Lu Ji’s Thoughts On Yi-ology

Posted on:2014-01-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X R JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330398460101Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a scholar of Yi-ology Lu Ji lived between Han Dynasty and Three Kingdoms Period whose theory of Yi-ology originated in Meng Xi Jiao Yanshou and Jing Fang who are also great scholars of Yi-ology,and their theories formed Yi-ology of Han.Lu Ji developed the Han Yi-ology greatly especially Jing Fang’s Yi-ology by explaining the book of changes and Jing Fang’s Yi Zhuan,he also highlight the picture of the Universe’s Generation and the deeply relationship between things in the universe,then he expressed his great feelings to the state and families and his deeply humanistic value care.Lu Ji’s theory is an answer to the subject of the Han Dynasty which is establish the Dao of human according to the Dao of heaven and govern the country and Educate the people from following the example of the Dao of heaven.Lu Ji’s theory made important contributions to the heritage and development of the Han Yi-ologyThis paper thesis includes five parts:Chapter one, Introduction; Chapter two,The book of changes under the context of Lu ji’s Yi-ology;Chapter three, The overall picture of the universe under the context of Lu ji’s Yi-ology;Chapter four,The ultimate human concern under the context of Lu ji’s Yi-ology;Chapter five,The impact and evaluation of Lu ji’s Yi-ology.Chapter one, Introduction.First of all the paper introduces Lu Ji’s life story and his academic works.Secondly the paper introduces the zeitgeist of Han Dynasty and the subject of Han Yi-ology and Lu Ji’s family learning.Thirdly the paper introduces the present situation of the study of Lu ji’s Yi-ology.Chapter two,The book of changes under the context of Lu ji’s Yi-ology. First of all the paper points out that Lu Ji believed that the authors of the book of changes are Fu Xi,Wen Wang,Zhou Gong and Confucius all of them are sages. Secondly the paper points out that Lu Ji developed the theory of XiangShu system especially BaGong theory,FeiFu theory and JiJian theory by explaining the book of changes and Jing Fang’s Yi Zhuan. Thirdly the paper points out that Lu Ji thought the core theory of Yi-ology is the Dao of three powers which consists of the heavens,the earth and the human,and the quality of Yi-ology is the philosophy of heaven and humanity.The core theory and quality of Yi-ology associated with the zeitgeist of Han Dynasty which is establish the Dao of human according to the Dao of heaven and govern the country and Educate the people from following the example of the Dao of heaven.Chapter three, The overall picture of the universe under the context of Lu ji’s Yi-ology.The paper points out Lu Ji’s theory based on the quality of Yi-ology which is the philosophy of heaven and humanity.Lu Ji researched everythings in the universe under the context of the great academic visions of Jing Fang’s Yi-ology.Lu Ji’s BaGong theory highlights the picture of the Universe’s Generation and the deeply relationship between things in the universe.Lu Ji’s FeiFu theory reveals everything in the universe all have two sides,the up side and the down side;the visible side and the buried side.The two sides are opposite but they also coexistence at the same time.Lu Ji’s JiJian theory shows the principle of change which consist of the Yin Yang and the Five elements and good and bad fortunes.According to the BaGong theory the FeiFu theory and the JiJian theory Lu Ji established a overall picture of the universe which includes the time and space of the universe the natural world and human society and so on. By means of all these theories Lu Ji expressed his thinking about the universe.Chapter four,The ultimate human concern under the context of Lu ji’s Yi-ology.The paper indicates that as a Confucians who keeps faith to his king and loves his country and family,Lu Ji based on the philosophy of heaven and humanity deeply researched and explained the book of changes by the theory of BaGong FeiFu and JiJian.Lu Ji’s Yi-ology gives a new meaning to the relationship of the heaven and the human.Meanwhile it is also a new meaning of humanistic value under the context of Lu ji’s Yi-ology.According to reinterpret Jing Fang’s Yi-ology Lu Ji pointed out human’s status and role in the universe,and according to XiangShu system Lu Ji expressed his basic belief about politics society and life which is establish the Dao of human according to the Dao of heaven and govern the country and Educate the people from following the example of the Dao of heaven.On the basis of the relationship between Yin and Yang establish the relationship of the king and the official;According to the relationship between Yin and Yang distinguish gentleman and villain;In line with the relationship between Yin and Yang explain the good and bad fortunes.Lu Ji’s Yi-ology replied to questions of the social reality,and at the same time expressed Lu Ji’s feeling to the country and family as a Confucians. Chapter five,The impact and evaluation of Lu ji’s Yi-ology.The paper points out that there are three characteristics of Lu ji’s Yi-ology.The first one is Lu ji’s Yi-ology has strong feelings to the country and family.The second one is Lu ji’s Yi-ology pays attention to both the pure theory and the real practice,there is a unity between theory and technology.The third one is Lu ji’s Yi-ology has the characteristic of ideological transition.There are also three influences of Lu ji’s Yi-ology. The first one is Lu ji’s Yi-ology enabling Jing Fang’s Yi-ology to spread by commentting Jing Fang’s Yi Zhuan. The second one is Lu ji explained the method of Jing Fang’s fortune-telling and deeply impact the Huo Zhu Lin fortune-telling. The third one is as a part of the river of Yi-ology Lu ji’s Yi-ology has important significance to the development and heritage of Yi-ology.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lu Ji, XiangShu Yi-ology, Cosmic Picture, Human Concern, Heaven-ManOneness
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