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On The Rebellion Plot In Youth Literature From The New Era

Posted on:2014-01-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q W KongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330398458244Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a big keywords of the youth,"rebellion" has always been subject to the specialattention of the people. But the attention is limited to exist as a descriptive label, lack ofexpression and meaning to the term itself. This paper tries to break the single understanding inthe areas of youth literature, and serves as the focal point, intercepting since an iconic historicalpassages in the new era as a time longitudinal axis, on the basis of a large number of textanalysis, through grasp of the social and historical cultural environment and mental qualities ofcomparison,combing and interpreting rebellious generation characteristics, changing track andtypes, and combined with personal development psychology, psychoanalysis, and otherdisciplines relevant theory, explore the youth rebellious as a growth phenomenon of thepsychological reason and emotional characteristics, trend and some problems. The texts reflectsthe contradiction and analyze the Chinese type of youth rebellion. The paper consists of sixparts:Because the concept of "youth","youth literature" and "rebellion"’s connotation anddenotation are relatively fuzzy, so in the "Introduction" part, first to make a broadly defined, themeaning of these words and combing for youth literature, youthful rebellion relevant researchresults and the status quo, and pointed out the direction and value of this paper.The first chapter " Youthful rebellion intergenerational investigation ".For clues to thechanging times and intergenerational change, selected the late70s and early80s, in the late1980s, before the mid-1990s, the late1990s to the beginning of the new century four nodes,combined with the sociological theory of "character", through the analysis of the youthfulrebellion texts of each decade writers, from on macroscopic to grasp the dynamic nature andspirit of the rebel to truthfulness, intergenerational cultural influence to rebel.The second chapter "As a way: rebellious presents three dimensions". In horizontal andvertical contrast analogy, based on close reading of the text, rebellious specific expression canbe divided into three different dimensions for further discussion, which contains both thecategory presents the ways and reasons, and highlights the relationship between culturalmemory and history circumstance of youthful rebellion.The third chapter " Rebel without a cause: growth from the perspective of youth throb ".Youth rebellion as a kind of behavioral and psychological symptoms and life stage ofdevelopment, psychological cycle there are also causal. This chapter with the aid of relateddevelopment psychology, psychoanalysis theory, the rebellion will be placed under a newtheoretical perspective, combined with related works by authors from psychological incentiveto explore its formation and performance, emotional state.The fourth chapter "On the road: Reflections on China-youthful rebellion". This chaptermainly analyzes the youth rebellious expression in literary writing and direction of theproblems, contradictions and limitations since the new era. Such as the imbalance between individual behaviors and collective mood, dualism of rebellious, business environment erodeaway the purity of the youth rebellion."Conclusion" part is based on the related theory expounded the author of the rebellionsome personal understanding and pointed out that the discussion of the rebellious findsspace,factors such as age, culture, intergenerational effects on rebellion appraise andrecognition.
Keywords/Search Tags:Youth literature, Rebellion, The new era
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