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Evolution Of Han Shaogong’s Narrative Of Short Story

Posted on:2014-01-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330398451156Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Han Shaogong is an author who always aspire to innovation andreformation. So far in his more than40years of literary career, hisliterary genre mainly includes novels and essays. In the course of hiscreative writing, various narrative factors were encoded and rebuiltaccording to the needs of practical context convention, his personalexperience and text creation at different periods of time. This papertries to sort out the evolution of Han Shaogong’s narrative of shortnovels and explore the deep-seated reasons behind the changing, inorder to reveal overall outlook and ideological features of his novelwork. This paper, mainly keeps an eye on the novel creation spirits aswell as presentation and analysis on the writing mode by applying thetheory of narratology. In order to demonstrate the unique value of hisshort story in the ideological trend of contemporary Chineseliterature history. I conduct my research regarding Han’s writing timeas a clue, and the writing time was divided into three periods. The firstpart is the narrative research of Han’s short story written from1970sto the beginning of1980s.During this period, my research conductsfrom four facets:①The omniscient narrative perspective on thepolitical context of writing,②Narrating educated youth by full ofconsciousness on the problems exposure,③Criticism from theperspective of the children,④The daily life narration. The second is from the mid-or late-1980s to the mid1990s. During this period, myresearch conducts from three facets:①Searching for the root of thenation,②Depiction of reality based on incredible plot,③Lack offemale discourse. The third is from the late1990s to21st century.During this period, my research conducts from four facets also:①Contemplation of city life by the way of unconventional narration,②The contemplation of country life by the way of prosificationnarration,③Narrative of modern civilization from the perspective ofanimals,④Han’s text rewriting in the new period to re-examinehimself.
Keywords/Search Tags:Han Shaogong, short story, narrative, evolution
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