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The Historical Significance Of The Palermo Stone

Posted on:2014-01-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330395995096Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Palermo stone is one of the fragments of the old kingdom royal annals, whichrecorded the king and their reign of major events from the pre-dynasty the fifthdynasty. That provides us with the royal event information and history of religion, andother important content.Taking Palermo stone structure and the theme as the breakthrough point, thispaper summarizes the royal record from before and after the Palermo stone.ThePalermo stone is recorded the reigns of the early kings on a reign-by-reign,year-by-year basis, which form have epoch-making significance in ancient Egyptianhistory.Compatible with the chronological record, The Palermo stone reflected on thecontent of the kingship and the religious ideas’ integration. Ancient Egypt’s royalrecords in content and form to achieve the unified for the first time, in other words,Palermo stone is the earliest and taking shape royal record.Further, this royal annal actually reflects the ancient take great importance to thedivine origins, various functions of the holy kingship and the continuity of thesovereign’s rule. From the content such as "Following of Horus","Running of theApis bull" and the worship of God that showing the king’s function, divine origin andcirculation historical idea has fully reflected through the Palermo stone. So from thecontent of the record, the historical idea of the creation as the starting and repeatingrecord the holy events have already appeared in Palermo stone.
Keywords/Search Tags:Palermo Stone, Kingship, Religion, the idea of history
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