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The Effect Of Class Psychological Counseling To The Middle School Students’Self-Confidence

Posted on:2013-11-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330395972596Subject:Mental health education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Self-confidence is one of one′s positive quality. Middle school is a critical period for thedevelopment of self-consciousness. If we conduct class psychological counseling to improveself-confidence,it will be benefit for individual personality development and mental health.Class psychological counseling is based on the theory of group counseling, depending on thedemand of students, through activities to promote interaction between members of the classand students to learn new attitudes and behavior.The purpose of this research is to explore whether class psychological counseling canpromote self-confidence of middle school students. The students come from a county middleschool of Jilin Province, and there are35students in the experimental and control groups,respectively. The experimental group received a series of class psychological counseling toimprove their self-confidence, including cognitive regulation, model demonstration, valuesclarification and behavior training,while control groups received regular courses. We designand implement a scheme of class psychological counseling, discuss the effect of the classpsychological counseling on middle school students’ self-confidence, suggest how toimplement class psychological counseling in middle school. We adopted an experimentaldesigning mode of experiment-group and control-group before and after experiment training.The results are:(1)The self-confidence of the middle school student is at a medium level. Thedescending order of six dimensions is overall self-confidence, moral self-confidence,interpersonal self-confidence, ability to self-confidence, academic self-confidence andappearance of self-confidence.(2) There are significant differences in score of self-confidence, overall self-confidence,moral self-confidence and academic self-confidence between boys and girls. The score ofgirls are higher than boys in self-confidence, overall self-confidence, moral self-confidenceand academic self-confidence.(3) The class psychological counseling can improve the level of middle school student′self-confidence. Specifically, there is significant improvement in the students participating inthe class psychological counseling over the control group. Moreover, the level of students′self-confidence in experiment group increased significantly after the class psychologicalcounseling compared to the measurement at the beginning, especially the score of abilityself-confidence, interpersonal self-confidence and overall confidence level.
Keywords/Search Tags:Middle school students, Self-confidence, Class psychological counseling
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