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Dance Piece "Sound Language" Research

Posted on:2013-09-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X GaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
When a narrative dance of creation, both Manchu stage but also close and concise for thestage arts, dance creation as a means to become the kind of professional technical and artisticcreation, created the ultimate, is to make dance works closer to the dance, more sublimation,dance, voice, language use, not only can be used to set the atmosphere for advancing the plot,and can show emotion and consciousness, and can shape the characters, showing the themeimplied by the dance, giving dance must improved. This paper would like to explore a newperspective of the choreography from the musical "sound language" dance "sound language"in two directions, one by one explained, and stressed the "sound language" of dance creationin innovations methods and performance in practical use, this will be a new topic.
Keywords/Search Tags:music "sound language", dance "sound language", dance creation, a newperspective
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