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A Study On Commercial Advertising Translation From The Perspective Of Adaptation Theory

Posted on:2013-07-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330395962207Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Linguistic Adaptation Theory is proposed by Jef·Verschueren, According to him,using language is a process of continuous making of linguistic choices, consciously orunconsciously, for linguistic and the extra-linguistic reasons. Here, the linguistic and theextra-linguistic reasons refer to the structural factors and the contextual factors. Making oflinguistic choices is based on the inter-adaptation between the linguistic structures andcontextual factors as well as communicative intentions. Adaptability is the most crucialproperty in language use described and explained in the process of communication alongthe contextual correlates of adaptability, structural of adaptability, dynamics ofadaptability and salience of the adaptability process.The thesis analysis the relation between adaptation theory and translation, translationis a process of choice-making to effectively conveying the original information in order tocomply with the needs of the target language readers. Seriously sort out linguisticadaptation and extra-linguistic adaptation respectively. Through description on languagefeatures of English and Chinese commercial advertising in lexical, syntactic, andrhetorical levels, and combination of commercial advertising translation practice,conclusion is as followed:To solve the adaptation problems of commercial advertising translation on linguisticand extra-linguistic levels, such as social world, physical world and psychological world,the translator need re-organized text to conform the target readers’ linguistic context inpractice of commercial advertising translation; delete redundant words in source languageto suit readers’ aesthetic tastes, and add interpretation and annotation in translation ofcharacteristics of vocabulary and expressions to conform the target readers’ social,physical and psychological world to improve translation quality, so that target readershave better understanding the connotation of commercial advertising.
Keywords/Search Tags:Translation, commercial advertising, adaptation theory
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