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Weifang Kite Artistic Style Research

Posted on:2013-11-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330395486062Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a result of modern society on intangible cultural heritage value, together with ourpeople’s cultural level is generally improved, gradually recognized by the national artshould be protected and developed. And folk art on modern art has a greater effect, it has aroot and maternal characteristics, on the modern art development provided rich theme.Take this opportunity, on the rich folklore connotation Weifang kite undertakes research isvery valuable.In this paper the development of Weifang kites changes with the history of ourcountry are summed up. On the aesthetic features of, in addition to the Weifang kite artnoumenon research, also related to its social structures, customs and public aestheticpsychology research, this study is conducive to the Weifang kite research enriched andreinforced, the Weifang kite to academic research depth and breadth of spirit.The general framework is expressed as: firstly, the origin and development of kitewith China’s social background made of general analysis, analysis of the kite in our countrydevelopment embodied in the functional characteristics of. From the time of the inventionof the origin of the name of the kite, and the kite in our country from the military to theentertainment process provides a general discussion. Then studied the kite in the differenthistorical periods in our country development, on the Weifang kite development objectiveconditions are also analyzed and summarized.This is followed by an analysis of the artistic features of Weifang kites, kite in theanalysis Weifang theme, color, shape and other different aspects, will make thecorresponding with the Chinese traditional culture interpretation, will also Weifang kite inWeifang and other civil process are studied, which is the core part of this article.The last of the Weifang kite in the modern inheritance and application weresummarized. Analysis of the Weifang kite in the modern development and inheritance way,discusses modern design on visual elements from the kite, kite art in Weifang itself andhow to better applied to the problems of modern society, the individual design and putsforward the related proposal.The Weifang kite art exploration, is also a kind of learning cultural opportunities.The Weifang kite development, further understanding of China customs. From the Chinesetraditional idea of Weifang kite art, for its visual elements can be more easily understood,studies more persuasive. The hope through this article research, can to Weifang kites and related technology to find out new ways for the development of the enlightening role, alsohope that through the Weifang kite art elements analysis for modern design provides morecreative ideas.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wei fang kite, Artistic style, Traditional culture
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