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Under The Perspective Of Subjective Volume To Study On Adverbs Ambiguity

Posted on:2013-01-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330395479436Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The "Subjectivity" in language refers to the component which always reflects the speaker’s"self" during the discourse. That is, the speaker says the wards with his own invariably, standpointand emotion invariably. The Language is not only objectively express propositions, but also into thespeaker’s subjective emotional and perceive. The language not only can express the objective volume,what’s more is can express the subjective volume. The language lacking of subjective perceive cannot be regarded as a true language. The expression of the subjective volume has a variety of forms,stress and unstressed sound、tone auxiliary and adverbs etc are all the important form of expressingsubjective volume in Chinese. Among, adverbs is the most important.With the Chinese study deepening and development increasingly and cognitive linguistics’growing up. The subjective volume has become a hot topic in the Chinese research in Chineseacademia. Many scholars has paid attention on studying the subjective volume of Chinese and gotseveral research results.This paper bases on the previous research. Focus on the adverb ambiguity in the status of thesubjective volume. Relying on the practical analysis get the cause and the fundamental rules of theadverb ambiguity, and then get the effective method of eliminating ambiguity. Finally to achieve adeep understanding of Chinese characteristics and to better serve internal and external Chineseteachings.This paper selects is special "quantity" concept as "subjective quantity" basis for the study on,tries to contain specific number of phrases to adverbs of subjective quantity of ambiguity makeanalytic and description. Full text points four parts, the first part of the literature review, this paperbriefly introduces the connotation of the subjective quantity and domestic scholars in recent years ofadverbs of subjective quantity problem; The second part of the quantity of adverbs subjective limitedand classification, Chinese subjective quantity of expression mainly in stress, modal particles andadverbs, etc., and the subjective quantity adverbs of expression part, according to the differentsemantic direction adverbs, according to the language point to front, after the mean and double topoint to, to "ZHI" and "JIN" and "CAI","JIU"," DOU "subjective quantity of adverbs expressionmeans which describe and analysis; The third section describes the adverb subjective quantityambiguity appears the reason, the type of performance and eliminate way; Finally the fourth part forepilogue.This paper use comparative law and induction methods. Comparing a sentence which has asimple situational context with the sentence which different situational context. And check what is the difference in the semantic representation. Finally summed up the actual conditions and lawscausing the ambiguous..The cases in this paper have two sources:1. Example sentence from the Chinese Research Center of Peking University Modern Chinesecorpus2. Example sentence which writer collects from academic treatise and reference book.All thequote will be added comment...
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese, Subjective volume, Adverb, Ambiguity
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