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About New Period Chinese Vocal Music Art Aesthetic Orientation Of Research

Posted on:2013-09-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y BaiFull Text:PDF
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This article refers to the new period is our country reforming and opening after theperiod until today, China’s vocal music art both in singing styles, subject matter content orforms of performance, have had a great development and changes. With the Internet,television and other modern media technology’s high speed development, it has penetratedinto every corner of people’s life, and the wider implications of the popular aesthetic culture.The art of vocal music is a kind of aesthetic ideology, its development stages feature mappingspecific period of social whole aesthetic culture trend, and reflects the social mainstreamvalues, ideological and moral system and the mass culture.From the vocal music art creation material, singing style and performance form threeaspects, in this period the vocal arts development, as can be seen, the vocal music art estheticorientation showing open, innovation, multivariate characteristics of the times. The vocalmusic art reflect and constitute public aesthetic orientation, and the public aesthetic culturesystem and reaction in the art of vocal music, guide them in different stages of socialdevelopment, adapt to the mass psychological needs, both between showing the mutualimprovement of the dialectical relationship. In this paper, through the analysis of ourtraditional aesthetic ideas in different periods and accumulation of the specific socialbackground, objective environment, summarizes the contemporary vocal music art estheticorientation. In the continuous exploration, development has gradually formed in differentperiods of vocal art aesthetic culture, and in each stage of development, the vocal music artesthetic orientation and presents a different development characteristics. When we look at thedevelopment of the art of vocal music in this period, can be seen in China since reform andopening up the vocal music art in overall presents with the era of constant evolution anddevelopment feature of the phenomenon.
Keywords/Search Tags:Reform and opening up, Vocal Music, Aesthetic orientation
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