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Research On The Attention Bias And Memory Bias To Subthreshold Depression Individual

Posted on:2013-09-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330395453889Subject:Development and educational psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Subthreshold depression (SD) individuals with only some of the symptoms ofdepression, symptoms of the nature, amount and duration of symptoms and did notmeet the diagnostic criteria for depression groups. To further understand theindividual’s cognitive characteristics of subthreshold depression, this study throughthe use of clues-target paradigm, positive, neutral and negative words asexperimental materials, and subthreshold depression individual experiments werenormal subjects, and depression group subjects as the control group through threeexperiments to explore subthreshold depression individual attentional bias andmemory bias situation, and whether there is consistency, and reached the followingfindings:Experiment I showed that under normal conditions, subthreshold depressedindividuals did not show attentional bias for certain types of vocabulary, but there isdifferent from depression were memory bias, and threshold under depression, theindividual’s attention to bias and memory bias between significant correlation.Experiment II showed that in the emotion-induced conditions, the thresholddepressed individuals did not show attention on certain types of vocabulary bias butshowed a neutral word memory bias, and its attention to bias and memory biassignificant correlation was not significant.Experiment Ⅲ showed that the correction conditions, subthreshold depressedindividuals did not show attentional bias for certain types of words and terms forcertain types of memory bias, and its attention to the bias and memory bias was notsignificant.
Keywords/Search Tags:subthreshold depression, attentional bias, memory bias
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