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On Confucius Theories Of Self-Cultivation

Posted on:2012-11-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y M ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330392957346Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Cultivation Theory is the most important issue that reflects the Chinese philosophycharacteristic mostly, however, it doesn’t attach people’ attention in recent years, and eitherachieves its relevant place in philosophy. But although the ancient philosophers’ works,everyone of them mentioned it. Confucius, Founder of Confucianism, made some researchabout the issue, after reading about the Analects of Confucius carefully; we can discover thatConfucius had a comprehensive ideology of cultivation theory relatively.The formation of Confucius’ cultivation theory was benefit from the influence oftraditional manners and the ethic-respect ideology’s taking shape from the Western ZhouDynasty. Confucius’ cultivation theory also cannot depart from the seniors’ cognition about thetheory of human’s nature in the same time; the theory of original goodness of human naturewas considered the premise of cultivation theory. Besides that, Chinese philosophy’s uniquemode of thinking, such as Holistic thinking, Subject introverted thinking, Body metaphorthinking were also made the foundation of Confucius’ mode of thinking about his cultivationtheory. Confucius’ cultivation theory was just produced on the basis.Chinese Confucian philosophy is the knowledge that guides people how to be a sage whocannot be departed from cultivation in the same time. Therefore, there’s a very connectionbetween Confucian philosophy and cultivation theory, and cultivation theory should be a veryimportant issue in the Confucian philosophy. The article discussed the Confucius’ cultivationtheory from three aspects, including the premise and foundation, the content and the ideal stateof Confucius’ cultivation, the three aspects composed the whole contents of Confucius’cultivation theory.The article is target to through the analysis the issue of the Confucius’ cultivation theory,trying to arouse the pubic attention towards the cultivation theory in Chinese philosophy. Tore-consider Chinese philosophy, especially Confucian philosophy from the perspective bycultivation theory that the philosophy shape will be more close to the original essence ofChinese philosophy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Confucius, Cultivation theory, Humanity, Ritual, Sage
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