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Meticulous Bird-flower Painting Of The Transformation From Traditional To Modern

Posted on:2012-03-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330392950724Subject:Fine Arts
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Meticulous bird-flower painting is an unusually traditional Chinese painting. Itfeatures the unique art in the word of the art. In the history of oriental painting,bird-flower painting is the most brilliant in Song and Yuan dynasties. It writes a brilliantchapter in the history of Chinese painting. These works still represent the best essence ofthe traditional flower-bird painting, give us inspiration. With the development of history,the respected Chinese ink paintings, meticulous bird-flower painting also entered a slumpfor several centuries. In Twentieth century, the eighties. Meticulous bird-flower paintingafter a series of difficult changes that it has embarked on the great revival finally. Howto inherit the traditional culture and innovation, how to adapt to changing times, and theimpact of foreign culture, so problems is that the contemporary bird artists must to face.This descript meticulous bird-flower painting transformation from traditional to modernhistory as a starting point, analysis of the causes and trends of its development detailed,for its eras and the problems of a series. The following sections of this thesis argumentsthe problems and make a brief summary of the main content.Chapter One: Introduction, mainly to explain the purpose and significance of topics,and research status.Chapter II: Chinese Meticulous bird-flower painting production and development.This chapter from the most primitive form of painting flowers and birds, the startedpainting of bird-flower, generally their development, mature, change and in-depthdevelopment of several stages of a simple sort, in order to lay the foundation fordiscussion of the next section.Chapter III: The traditional three-step conversion to the Modern Painting. I focus onthree aspects of the fine brushwork from the bird-flower painting, from the classical tothe modern transformation of the process: First, the cultural transformation. Bird-flower painting has been in a disadvantage of Chinese traditional painting not develop since thelate Ming until the "May Fourth movement” has brought new ideas, cultural ideas on"science and democracy." This historic change to the realistic style of painting based onfields in the renewed emphasis on Chinese painting, but also for paving the way for therecovery of bird-flower painting. Second, the transformation in ideological. Theestablishment of New China, Marxism became the mainstream of Chinese society’sawareness of shape, meticulous bird-flower painting is from the ruling class andtherefore the aesthetic taste of the literati to people in public, began its transformation toa modern step. Despite setbacks and false starts, but the results are still worthy ofrecognition. Third, the transformation in modern times. From the reform and opening upfor the word, after "85student unrest", Chinese meticulous painting, including themeticulous bird-flower paintings development, through the vicissitudes of life and thefrustrations of the Chinese art, they correct the extreme attitudes in exploration and thePrejudice attitudes of foreign cultures, Chinese painting to the scientific, health,innovation and modernization of the road.Chapter IV: The characteristics of Modern meticulous bid-flower painting. Thissection I give a depth analysis for the characteristics of meticulous bird-flower painting.Discus it from the visual art form, the breakthrough of the traditional concept ofperformance, development the theme of bird-flow painting and the development of newvarieties of paint, and some representative artists carried out a detailed case study.Chapter Five: Several factors Impacts the modern meticulous bird-flower paintingtransformation. This section discus the reasons for the meticulous bird-flower painting ofthe modern transformation, I summed it up as the social environment changes, theimpact of Western culture and the impact of the modern exhibition mode, discussed thethree aspects respectively.Chapter VI: Problems in development of modern meticulous bird-flower paintingneed for pay attention. Meticulous bird-flower painting is the most easily accepted and appreciated painting by the people in the Chinese painting., in order to ingratiate themarket,many paints ignore the artistic value of Meticulous bird-flower painting andpaint their works to sweet gaudy, which will undoubtedly reduce the General level ofMeticulous bird-flower painting, detrimental to their sustainable development; modernexhibition mode is also make many artists to expand the size of their paintings, ignoredthe artistic expression of mood, resulting in meticulous stylized. Meanwhile, the attitudesof how to deal with the traditional of meticulous bird-flower painting are worth exploringissues.
Keywords/Search Tags:Meticulous bird-flower painting, Modern Transformation, characteristic, influence
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