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An Analysis On Hegel’s Assessment Of Kantian Epistemology

Posted on:2013-02-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q Y WanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330377951217Subject:Foreign philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Hegel had made assessments of Kantian Philosophy with a large space in his chief works affirmatively and critically as well. Through Hegel’s assessments of Kantian Philosophy by using his own theory, we can find many fundamental differences between their philosophies. Based on Hegel’s specific works which was used to evaluate Kant, the author of the article approaches the differences between their philosophies from Hegel’s assessment of Kantian’s Epistemology and tries to dig out the deep-rooted reasons of these differences. There is an obvious difference in the view of epistemology between two philosophies. Kant, standing on individual position, explaines what a person can cognize.In addition, he inwardly insists the difference between God and man that the traditional religion embraces. However, Hegel adheres to God’s Eye View, and it seems that he has a ability of God’s view and he could speak for God. His "Absolute Spirit" actually is not the "God" in the traditional religion. Because of this different view of philosophical research, they had different opinions on man’s ability of reason, on whether man could grasp thing-in-itself, on how man can obtain knowledge and on the attitude to contradiction.This article consists of four parts. The preface summarizes the current situation of this topic at home and abroad and illustrates the meaning of this study,that is to analyze Kant’s and Hegel’s different understandings on the relation between God and man and their different views of philosophical research from Hegel’s assessment of Kantian Epistemology. In the first part, the author will briefly overview the epistemology study before the Kantian and Hegel philosophies,as well as Kant’s and Hegel’s own philosophies, so as to analyze the consistency and differences between these two philosophers. In the second part, the author will briefly introduce Hegel’s partial affirmation to Kantian Epistemology, and analyze their consistency on rational cognition ability,"synthetical judgments a priori" and the provision of category, and so on. In the last of the part,the author indicates that this consistency is caused by their common foundational philosophy—Idealism. Additionally, they both especially emphasize on the subjective activity. In the third part,the author will illustrate Hegel’s critiques on Kantian Epistemology.He criticizes Kant on his investigating man’s cognition without the process of cognition, and derides him on his method like this:that a pedantry scholastic teachs a person never to get into water before he can swim.While, Hegel thinks that assessing man’s cognition ability is itself a process of cognition and not a preparation for cognition. He also criticizes Kant’s theory that thing-in-itself, noumenon and essence are unknowable. However, Hegel believes that phenomenon and essence are inseparable, and that cognizing phenomenon is cognizing essence at the same time. Hegel criticizes Kant’s experientialist inclination. Kant insists that thing-in-itself do exist and the transzendental materials is one of the source of sensibility (experience). Hegel considers that Kant’s theory above is same as experientialism. He also criticizes Kant’s reluctant attitude to contradiction. He thinks that dialectics itself let Kant recognize rational’s own contradiction but he nevertheless tries to deny contradiction in things. In the last of the part the author will analyze the causes of their differences that are the different cognitions on the relations between God and man, and the different views of analyzing issues. In conclusion, the article will present the brief summary on the consistence and differences between Kantian and Hegel Epistemologies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Kant, Hegel, epistemology, assessment
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