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A Study On The American-Mexican War Of1846-1848

Posted on:2013-03-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P XieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330377459991Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The war of1846-1848between America and Mexico is, not only a great eventto the two countries, but also of significant importance to the development process ofworld history. Previously, in the academic sphere, scholars laid emphasis only on theeffects to the two countries as they did research on the American-Mexican War.From the perspective of modernization and globalization, this paper reexamines thecausation of the war, and reveals its world history significance.From the viewing angle of modernization, the American-Mexican War is a warbetween a modern advanced country and a traditional laggard one; the course of warand negotiation etc. demonstrates that it is a multi-faceted competition between amodern country and a traditional one; and the aftermath of the war has greatinfluence to the aforesaid countries. From the visual angle of globalization, theAmerican-Mexican War makes the United States a country which connects theAtlantic and Pacific Oceans; the U.S. thus begins to expand rapidly around thePacific Ocean; and the globalization era indeed starts.Although it is a stark-naked aggressive war waged by America, its objectivelyactive importance is beyond question, the comments of Marxist Classical Writersand the historical development reality of the two countries both illustrates it.The paper is divided into three chapters, which concatenates the background,the course, and the aftermath of the war. But our research angle differs quiteobviously from the traditional method. From the perspective of modernization andglobalization, we disclose the characteristics of the American nationality base onmodern society, the pros and cons in the competition between a modern nation and atraditional nation, and the influences to the modernization of the two countries andthe propulsive function to world’s globalization caused by the American-MexicanWar.
Keywords/Search Tags:the American-Mexican War, modernization, globalization
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