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Research On Relations Between The Du Mu’s Poems About History And The Politics In Tang Dynasty

Posted on:2013-12-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Z FuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330377459486Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Du Mu was a great litterateur in the late Tang dynasty. His poems about history oftenhad an original style. Especially the Poems of Four Lines about history did not followthe beaten track. The academic community had Wide Divided Opinions on his poemsabout history. Some bodies thought that he just did something unconventional orunorthodox; also some bodies thought that he was unique and Purposive high off. Inmy opinion, I regard as it is closely associated the politics in Tang Dynasty.The introduction of this article reviewed the current situation of study on Du Muhistorical novel briefly, and presenting research mentality, research methods andresearch framework of this article.The text was divided into three chapters:Chapter Ⅰ We make researcher on how the politics affected Du Mu’s poems abouthistory, and we would discuss it from three aspects. The first one we knew that DuMu often took the actuality as the history, so he made some mistakes in his poems.The second, the poet frequently asked the ancients to be the modernist. He wanted theancients could have the same perception as him. The third, the poet paid muchattention on the politics in Tang Dynasty, and it affect his choice when write poems.ChapterⅡ We made research on how the poems had so closely relations with thepolitics in Tang Dynasty. We would discuss it from three aspects. The first, becauseDu Mu was interested in the history. He paid attention on the country, so he oftenwrote poems about the politics. But he only expressed himself by discussing thehistory, owing to it was not free in that time. People could not talk about the politicsas they want. The second, we found out the reason why the poet kept a watchful eyeon the actuality. We thought that the poet born in a big family, so he understood morepolitics than others. And he was very good at military, so he wanted to establish someattachment for his country. Other excellent litterateur had influence on him, such as LiBai, Du Fu, Han Yu, Liu Zongyuan and so on.Chapter Ⅲ Du Mu’s poems were affected by its artistic characteristic. Their artisticcharacteristics help them have big difference with other poems about history. Finally, the Conclusion was a brief summary of the whole study; the same time, itpresented the problems of this article which could be thoroughly explored andneeded to be deepened and the corresponding solution.
Keywords/Search Tags:Du Mu, Poems about History, the Politics in Tang Dynasty
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