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The Formation Of The Altair And Vega’s Story And Its Changes In Han Wei And Six Dynasties Period

Posted on:2013-02-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J M WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330377451371Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Altair and Vega are the stars located on both sides of Galaxy. They are the celestial idol of the primitive human beings as well. They evolved from a pair of pure shining stars to a touching romance, the vivid content perfected from generation to generation, which finally reached climax to become a detailed legend. The origin of the story refers to Hubei Yunmen Shuihudi Qinjian. From Dynasty of Qin to Han, the story of Altair&Vega was told and edited by the people all the time. By the time of Dynasty Jin and Wei, the legend has basically formulated and closely relate to the festival of Qixi. The story of Altair and Vega later on was actually stem form it or evolved based on it. This thesis try to discuss the formation of story and its evolvement during Dynasty of Han and Wei, and reflect the feather of the story of each dynasty,which exposes the relation of the story and the time it situated. I just try to carry out the discussion with following items:Chapter one introduces the initial idea of the story by discussing the reason that Altair and Vega attract people’s attention and make people name them, and analyze the meanings of them by the exsistance of the stone figures,and describe Altair and Vega in Dadong, Xiaoya of The Book of Songs. Although it is not a story of marriage during this period, it takes important place for providing the basis of the development of the story.Chapter two leads the embryonic form of the story of Altair and Vega. During this period, the story tells the tragedy of Altair and Vega’s marriage by centering on the separation of them. This chapter probes into the time, the reasons, the tragic nature of the story and the characteristics of the society and traditional culture on the basis of Hubei Yun Meng Shui Hu Di Qin Jian.Chapter three introduces the development of Altair and Vega’s story. This part discusses the characteristics and development of Altair and Vega’s story as the following two aspects:on the one hand, the story exists on brick figures or stone figures or carvings. On the other hand, people hand down Altair and Vega’s story orally which reflects "the subjective ideal or aspiration" and their thoughts and feelings, which is also the gathering of Altair and Vega.Chapter four mainly talks about the maturity and stereotypes of the Altair and Vega’s story. On this period, the story mainly focuses on finding reasons why they are separated. At the same time, it merges myths with folk fusion and it also interacts with folk and fairy tales. This chapter discusses the related records, and analyzes the reasons that the plot has changed as well as reveals the characteristics of the times, ideological trend and the mentality of literati.
Keywords/Search Tags:Altair and Vega, Change of Storyline, Story feature
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