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A Study Of Faithfulnessa Sacriterion Of Interpreting Performance Evaluation

Posted on:2013-05-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330377450742Subject:English Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Interpreting activity, as a way to achieve mutual-communication, has attracted the public’s attention. However, a complete establishment of criteria to evaluate interpreting performance is still a hot topic in this field. So far, several criteria have been proposed by western and Chinese scholars and interpreters, among which faithfulness is always considered the first important criterion. In the thesis, through the discussion of faithfulness, the author would like to illustrate the role of faithfulness in interpreting performance evaluation, what interpreters are faithful to, and application of faithfulness in different interpreting occasions.The thesis consists of three chapters besides introduction, in which background, significance, organization, and methodology of the thesis are explained, and conclusion, in which research findings are summerized, the limitations of the thesis are indicated, and a follow-up study plan is made.Chapter one reviews the studies on interpreting performance evaluation home and abroad, including theoretical research and empirical research. By analysing criteria proposed by western and Chinese scholars, the author of this thesis hopes readers get a deeper understanding of the important role of faithfulness in interpreting performance evaluation.Chapter two concentrates on faithfulness criterion. Basic concepts of faithfulness are introduced here, i.e. barriers, objects, types, etc. By answering the question what interpreters are faithful to, the author explains faithfulness to message sender, faithfulness to target language, and faithfulness to message receiver. Moreover, according to different interpreting purposes and different interpreters’ roles, two types of faithfulness—complete faithfulness and incomplete faithfulness-are discussed. In the last sub-part, the author briefly indicates the implication of interpretive theory on faithfulness, hoping to explore new development and change of faithfulness criterion under theoretical guidance.Chapter three illustrates the application of faithfulness in such interpreting occasions as technical interpreting, business interpreting, diplomatic interpreting, and escort interpreting. Because of different characteristics of different types of interpreting, the demands of faithfulness varies according to them. Through analysing their special characteristics, the author tries to find some skills to enhance the faithfulness in interpreting activity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Interpreting, Faithfulness Criterion, Performance Evaluation
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