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A Linguistics Analysis About The Misplace Expression Of Kinship Terms In The JianJian Language

Posted on:2013-11-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H F JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330377450473Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Address forms play a vital role in daily communication. They show the differentrelations between the subjects in communication, such as power, social distance, identity,status and so on. Different address forms pass not only such messages as the role of thecommunicative subjects, status and the degree of intimacy, but also the attitude and feeling ofthe one subject to the other. Kinship terms play a full role to show the degree of intimacy,status and the order of family members. Their changes and development are closely relatedto social culture, family, matrimony, ethics, morals, interpersonal relationship, etc.The Misplace phenomenon of kinship terms in Jianjian language comes into being andbecomes popular which has something to do with society, history and culture.(Jianjianlanguage refers to a particular language phenomenon of kinship misplace. In this languagesystem, parents address their children “sister” or “brother”, couples nickname the others as“daddy”,“mummy”,“grandpa”,“grandma” and so on. It’s said indecent and sounds odd.)As a new language expression, Jianjian language not only represents a kind of fashion, butalso, to some extent, reflects some social cultural phenomena behind it. The thesis makes afull analysis to this language phenomenon from semantics, pragmatics and social linguisticsangles to pursuit its origin, predict its future development tendency and make clear theattitude towards it. Then, we can find the effects non-language factors have on the languageitself.
Keywords/Search Tags:kinship terms, Jianjian language, misplace expression
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