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Multi-dimensional Research On Poetries Of Russian Emigrants In China

Posted on:2013-07-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C J YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330374996540Subject:Russian Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Russian emigrant literature is a unique literary phenomenon of world literature in the20th century.Speaking of Russian emigrant literature, it has to refer to colonies of emigrants.In Europe Paris,Berlin and London are the centers of Russian emigrants,In China Harbinand Shanghai are the centers of Russian emigrants in the Far East.Europe and China providedthe living space for Russian emigrants,which were destitute and homeless.The number of Russian expatriates in the first half of20th century was once considerable.Railway construction in the Middle East and the October Revolution, a large number ofRussians came to China, mainly in Harbin and Shanghai. Harbin was the center of the culturalactivities of the Russian emigrants, and then went as the era of the center, known as "RussianAtlantis".Russian emigrant writers or poets have created a lot of good works. Russianemigrant poetries so catch eyes, like wonderful clusters, like little stars shining in theliterature garden in China. Poetries of Russian emigrants in China were born in the Chinesesoil, flowing with the passion of the Russian poets, known as the " a person of mixed blood "in the field of literature.There were Outstanding during this period of Russian nationalspoets,such as A.Achair,A.Nesmenlov,V.Pereleshin,L.Andersen,ect.This article will interpret Poetries of Russian emigrants in China from multi-dimensionalperspectives,which as an entry point. From the literary and psychological layer, dialogue layer,the image layer, that is, from three dimensions interpret the rich connotation of Poetries ofRussian emigrants in China, in search of inner psychological motivation of Poetries ofRussian emigrants in China, analysis Hubbub dialogues in Poetries of Russian emigrants inChina, while digging the aesthetic value and cultural significance across shaped images ofPoetries of Russian emigrants in China.The whole paper is made up of introduction, main content (four chapters) andConclusion:The introduction illustrates the thesis of this paper the main content and framework ofideas.The first chapter is an overview of two creative themes for the creation of the Russianemigrant poets and Poetries of Russian emigrants in China.The second chapter interprets from the psychological layer of Poetries of Russianemigrants in China, starting from the collective unconscious and prototype.The third chapter illustrates Poetries of Russian emigrants in China from the dialoguelayer, mainly based on the Bakhtin’s theory about dialogue. The fourth chapter shows more complete historical conditions beings of Images from theimage layer of Poetries of Russian emigrants in China.The last part makes conclusions of the paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:poetries of Russian emigrants in China, collective unconscious, dialogue, images
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