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On Acquisition Of Chinese Diffreence-Comparison As The Second Language

Posted on:2013-04-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T TaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330374977039Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Things consist of many distinct features which are different fromothers. People know the world by comparing different things.Comparison can be considered as one basic and important cognitivemethod. Comparative construction is the basis of comparison. InChinese the comparative structure especially difference-comparison isan important grammar tool.This paper aims at investigating the teaching effect ofdifference-comparison via test data from ICCS (International College ofChinese Studies) in Shanghai Normal University and production dataform HSK dynamic composition corpus. On the basis of this research wewant to provide some suggestions for formulation of syllabus,compilation of teaching materials and instruction on teaching ofChinese difference-comparison. We have obtained the test data byadopting transverse investigation, meanwhile we have tested thereliability and validity of the questionnaire by the SPSS to ensurescientific nature of the test.This paper is divided into five chapters:The first part is the introduction, summarizing predecessors’researches on Chinese comparative structures, L2acquisition andChinese comparative structures especially difference-comparisonteaching.The second part is to learn about and perform quantitative analysisthe knowledge of the foreigners’ mastery of Chinesedifference-comparison via the questionnaire. The third part is to analyze the production data which are150compositions ranked in4levels and written by foreigners come from4countries from HSK dynamic composition corpus. Then we performcontrastive analysis between test data and production data formoverall perspective on foreigners’ mastery of Chinesedifference-comparison.The fourth part is to exam the arrangement ofdifference-comparison in the teaching materials, which is used by theforeigners in ICCS (International College of Chinese Studies) in ShanghaiNormal University and in reprehensive Chinese teaching outline. Andthen compare and contrast the arrangement of the two kinds ofmaterials. The arrangement also is compared with the above result inthis paper. On the basis of the above research we put forward somesuggestions while we also try to provide a solution to the commonproblems the overseas students will confront when they are learningChinese difference-comparison.The fifth part is the conclusion,summarizing the whole essay andpointing out the existing problems. The appendix includes questionnaire,difference-comparison sentences from the compositions...
Keywords/Search Tags:difference-comparison, language acquisition, contrastive analysis
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