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A Study On The Composing And Singing Art Of Zhao Jiping’s TV And Movie Songs

Posted on:2013-09-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L ZouFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The progress of science and technology have not only brought about the relentless development of film industry, but also boosted the soundtracks of the films. Going from silent movies to sound movies, a better platform has been provided for the creation of soundtracks by advancement of science and technology. At the same time, a music creating author is closely connected to current time, whose creation and even the joining of music field are being affected a lot. In this way, Mr. Zhao Jiping, an eminent music composer, is devoted himself to creating the soundtracks. Based on the high-tech, Mr. Zhao Jiping composes the smooth and flowing melody to showcase the elegance and spirit of an ethnic group or a region, which has contributed a profound and bright spot to the history of Chinese soundtracks.Three major researching methods, literature concordance, analogy research, combination of artistic practice and theory have been adopted in this thesis. The thesis comprises three parts. They are as follows:The first chapter is about the survey of soundtracks’ development and brief introduction of Mr. Zhao Jiping.The second chapter is about the brief information of the soundtracks composed by Mr. Zhao Jiping and the styles and features of the soundtracks. In this chapter, the style changes of the soundtracks composed by Mr Zhao Jiping in different periods will be highlighted. Meanwhile, the aesthetic characteristics of Mr. Zhao Jiping’s works will be discussed and analyzed.The third chapter is about the analysis of Mr. Zhao Jiping’s soundtracks and the aesthetic treatment of the songs’performances. This chapter is an important part of the whole thesis, in which the author has based the research on the representative works of different periods, such as Da Zhai Men, Hao Han Ge and Yuan Qing.Mr.Zhao Jiping has made the best of the traditional elements in Chinese folk music, which demonstrates the peoplehood and regional characteristics of the works. In the meantime, Mr. Zhao Jiping has combined the peoplehood and epochal characters by boldly using the creative approaches of western music, which gains more vitality for the music and sets a good pattern for the creation of Chinese soundtracks.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhao Jiping, soundtrack, music creation, singing art
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