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The Wuhuan Xianbei Migrated To The South And Its Inlfuence On Han Hun

Posted on:2013-07-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330374954998Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Wuhan Xianbei, the ancient China is one of the famous northern minority nationalities,originally belonging to the free alliance, life in northern Hebei, Eastern inner Mongolia,Western Liaoning in this area. The Donghu was defeaed, the remainder fled to GreaterKhingan Range section, respectively, in accordance with the Wuhan and Xianbei mountainbegan to develop independently, after which the Wuhan and Xianbei clan appeared in theChinese history, and the name of the Donghu disappear. The Western Han Dynasty force tocounterattack the Huns, Attila the Hun forces gradually weakened, always slavery underexploitation of Wuhan, Xianbei tribe, was able to break away from its control southwards.Wuhan, Xianbei migrated to the South and was closely related to Han and Hun, first ChineseHungaary power change is the premise condition of their south, Xiongnu forces weakened,the Wuhan, Xianbei tribes to get rid of the bondage, South to seek oneself developmentspace; secondly, the Wuhan Xianbei tribes were long by the influence of Central Plainsculture, Chinese deeply; finally, the timely national policy, make its are willing tosurrender. Their southward in the Han Dynasty eventually defeat the Huns War producedmain effect: first they attached Han vassal, to accept the unified leadership of the HanDynasty, Han and plug, made the loss of important military strength, weakness in theEastern Han launched a large-scale war, ensures that the Han Dynasty’s eastern borderstability; secondly they help Han the invasion of the Huns, positive affects surrounding otherfrom Xiongnu slavery clan, made the rule of internal chaos; finally they come down withHan, highlight the Han Dynasty’s power, make its political influence spread Quartet, theHuns had a strong sense of inferiority, led to internal divisions, South to the Han, the chainreaction, acceleration the military alliance collapsed, accelerate the pace of Han Dynastydefeated the Huns. The correct processing of Wuhan, Xianbei and surrounding minorityownership issues, such as setting a student system and allied officials, and from theeconomic and political construction the development, use the advanced material civilizationto influence the surrounding minority, achieved without war effect, for the later dynastiesright the ethnic relations foundation.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Huns, Han Dynasty, WuHuan, XianBei, move south
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