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The Art Of True And Real Life

Posted on:2013-09-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The western art of painting is a large experimental field of language media, to bring new technology in a different historical background, the new materials, new technology has brought a new revolution. Need of artistic creation language media’s ability to control and improve understanding of the limitations of the medium of language understanding, to "I act without breaking the rules". Viewing of the artist is thinking the watch of a language, the eyes and the things of life, viewing the mind and body, real and imagined, through the language of thinking to reconstruct the order of things in life. Cultivate a material thinking, life in a variety of materials including ready-made objects sensitive language in the creative process into the actual application. Artists more need for a thinking of the situation from a different culture and identity of their own individual life. Works of art only to evoke the feeling of life to reflect its value, which is the mission of art.
Keywords/Search Tags:white horse not a horse, language, thinking, material thinking, spiritual fall, materialized, the existence of life
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