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The Painting Space Thinking

Posted on:2013-02-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G LiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Space is the core problem of painting, space everywhere. Man in space, painting in space, natural society in space.......The painting space painter for temporal knowledge and experience. In the long river of history, the artist with their own perspective silently firm in the universe exploration. The history of painting is a viewing space history, the natural space, viewing history space, watch from afar, watch the future space, the space of culture. Watch is the understanding on the nature of the unknown world, is touching, is a review of the history, is the heart of seeking, painter’s eye is always in the spirit of free, in the universe to wander, in the culture of thinking, in the art of swimming, painting in the space appearance due to eye stretch and change, because of emotional ups and downs and agitate, thinks efforts and vigorous. The painting is inseparable from the space, is inseparable from the eye. Can say that painting is through the eyes, watching through the heart. Painting in the space with the watch and transformation of different emotion, different scenes of history, different color, different experience culture.Drawing space is about the painting offscreen space relation, namely physical space and psychological space, the picture is the screen space exploration of language.
Keywords/Search Tags:Painting Space, mental space, language reorganization
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