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The Emotion World Of Seasonal Poems Of Song Dynasty

Posted on:2013-11-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D XiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330374492199Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Song Poetry, the studies of emotions inherent in the season poems in the field of Song studies has an important position and value. Great importance to the description of the scene of the Four Seasons, by King lyric is a characteristic of seasonal poems of the Song Dynasty. Song Dynasty recite the Four Seasons scene to express more of the inner emotional words number of articles. On the face of the four seasons scenery changes produce different psychological feelings, therefore, describe the four seasons poems is varied emotional tone, and express life experience is not the same. The transformation of the four seasons scenery often touch to influence people’s subjective feelings. Of great importance to the description of the scene of the Four Seasons, by King lyric, a variety of emotional sustenance in depicting the four seasons scenery. This article focuses on the poems people emotional sustenance through the different seasons of the word.This article is divided into five parts:The first chapter, Introduction. Clarify the purpose of this thesis, the significance, scope and methodology, research status, and problems that may arise in the process of writing.Most of the poets in Song Dynasty prefer to describe the season of their affections on them. The Song Dynasty poets like to describe the four seasons must have their reasons. The second chapter to clarify the reason of the poets like the Four Seasons. The reason of the poet in love with the seasons can be summarized under three factors:First, the different seasons of the poet emotions have different effects; Second, the impact of social conditions and characteristics of the times in the Song Dynasty; Third, by the influence of literary tradition. No matter what kind of factors are directly or indirectly lead to the Song Dynasty poet love the description of the four seasons.Chapter Three is the main chapter. Mainly study the emotions inherent in the poems of the Song Dynasty season. Every season of poetry contains a different type of emotional poets. The poets as four Seasons background, depicting the four seasons scenery financial situation by King lyric, in order to express various emotional types. Spring, autumn, winter and summer in the eyes of the poet are not just the concept of a season. It enters the. concept of the poet’s soul and inner feelings, and describe their life experience, to show the complicated their inner emotional world. Poets recite the four seasons, while also showing the variety of their inner feelings. Song Dynasty season poem on the emotional expression of both its achievements inadequacies. The fourth chapter described the achievements and shortcomings of the season poems on emotional expression. The last part is the conclusions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Song dynasty, season poems, emotion, contain
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