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Insistence And Development-the Character Of BeiDao Poetry’s Spirit

Posted on:2013-10-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z F CaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330374474764Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the bannerman of meng long poetry,Bei Dao’s spirit and thought in his poetry are atthe pinnacle among the meng long poetry.His strong negative mental, the firm resistantattitude,the propound reflection and the persevering pursue had set us an independent heroicstature.But Bei Dao’s poetry across different ages, cover countries.So his poetry has beenkeeping developed and change. The forepart is principally to construct an a utopian world ofhuman nature uplift the spirit of idealism and heroism;the emphases of metaphase is thechallenge to the power and the reflectment to the history and human nature,also the spirit ofpersevering persuit; at the anaphase bei dao had to face the strong loneliness anchorless life,principally describe solitude and suspensive life and the miss and convert to home, alsomaintained to rebuke the politics at certain extent.These different development wasperforated by his core spirit: the deep country and national consciousness and the persuit ofhumanity.Bei Dao poetry disclose his course of his inner mind by this insistence and development,And the self-image and the character of independence which represented by it are deviationand correction to the mainstream tone of the the cultural revolution,and also succeed to thespirit of The "May4"New Literature which pay attention to liberation and dignity ofpersonality.I chose to research “the insistence and development of Bei dao poetry’s spirit” isdepending on these reason: first researches on Bei Dao poetry are mostly focused on oneperiod or one perspective of his thought or spirit,it makes us can not clearly and whollymaster Bei dao’s poetry composement;second I think research from the angle of “theinsistence and development of Bei Dao’s poetry spirit” is better for us to wholly master theinner relation and the development of Bei dao’s thoughts and spirit in various periods, so thatit will offer a new way for us to wholly master the character of Bei Dao poetry and its relationwith meng long poetry and even relation with the new period poetry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bei dao poetry, character of spirit, insistence, development
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