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On LIU Ru-shi’s Masculinity

Posted on:2013-10-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330374471481Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
LIU Ru-shi lived in the course of the turning Ming Dynasty to Qing Dynasty. She was called one of the eight famous prostitute of Qinhuai River. Her works and deeds has always been respected. The great master CHEN Yin-que has spent ten years on writing A Biography of Liu Rushi. Meawhile, people paid much attention to the study of LIU Ru-shi. It has become more and more popular. The reason why people are interested in studying LIU Ru-shi is not only because her spirit on pursuing virtuous moral intergrity but also because her humble birth, especially her masulinity. The masculinity is only one of the most important characteristics of LIU. We can learned this from her works and life. For example, her love with SONG Zheng-yu and CHEN Zi-long, persuading her husband to die for the country, the Anti-fuming, and so onHer masculinity has presented different forms with different periods of her life and different events.The reason for her masculinity are:the political environment of that society, development of economy, people’s opinions, the thoughts of ZhOU Dao-deng, SONG Zheng-yu, CHEN Zi-long, QIAN Qian-yi, and the like.LIU was a humble prostitute, undoubtedly, her thoughts was affected by the prostigious culture.In a word, her masculinity is affected by the social environment, economic environment, geographical environment, socical class, and the people aroud.
Keywords/Search Tags:LIU Ru-shi, mascunility, representation, reason
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