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Study The Ethical Issues Of Electronic Spam

Posted on:2013-11-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y CaiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on the computer technology and the Internet, e-mail features various forms, cross-regionals and instant, by making use of which, the users send various commercial promotions, viruses and pornographic contents. Mountains of electronic spam have caused a series of problems, and even infringed upon personal privacy.Legislation and technology filtration as the main methods for people to deal with electronic spam have achieved a certain effects, which however, also met a string of rights conflicts. The management to the electronic spam is suspected of being involved the invasion of freedom of speech, correspondence and information. How to deal with the rights conflicts and harmonize the claiming to the execution of the power between the sender and receiver, and guarantee the regular sending and receiving of e-mails become the issues which are worth pondering deeply over and probe into. Some new methods to the rights conflicts of electronic spam have been put forward by ethics rules and regulations, which have also made up for the deficiency of technology and law.Both the receiver and the sender can claim for some rights or the same rights to defend for themselves. The limitations of the technology and law lead us to explore the ethic regulations and advance their rationality and feasibility, as well as the ethic thinkings and moral principles which should be abided by to harmonize the rights conflicts In total, the effective regulations to electronic spam should be practiced under the guidance of ethic morals to regulate the bottom-lined ethics to laws internally and the judgment of the good and bad ethics into technology externally, making full use of the constraint of ethic principles to realize the reasonable and effective regulations to electronic spam.
Keywords/Search Tags:Electronic Spam, Ethic Issues, Rights Conflicts
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