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Theme· Style· Market

Posted on:2013-10-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y F SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330374469248Subject:The film and television drama literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper is divided into three parts. The first part mainly to the Wang Xiaoshuai movie theme undertook combing. The second part of the Wang Xiaoshuai film style summary. While the third part focuses on Wang Xiaoshuai had to face market problem.Wang Xiaoshuai enjoys the through image to describe their own stories, most of his films have their own life’s shadow, his movies mostly existed in their familiar city, mostly from their inner film thought attitude to life. Therefore, the first part of this paper will Wang Xiaoshuai movie individual writing images divided into the city, to pursue, for life attitude three subsections describe. The first section of the Wang Xiaoshuai film in the city are summarized as:land and homeland motif. Wang Xiaoshuai turns his lens on the own city," home" and" away" from the description, is a struggling City, is the home of spirit and unreachable dream, the home is always waiting for a home return last habitat. The second section will Wang Xiaoshuai in the movie life motif is wraparound for:dream and reality. Wang Xiaoshuai used the lens to describe the beautiful dream, also use the lens to inform the cruelty of life, but he is not in his movies to get desperate reality, it is a grey area, in that the cruel side, and to the people in the hope of. The third section will Wang Xiaoshuai’s attitude to the problem as follows:persistence and love motif. The article thinks Wang Xiaoshuai film reflects is a kind of tolerance and love theme. Tolerance and love is the person gives the makes this world more ideal solution, the only tolerance and love, can make the person in real blow to adhere to it, do not despair.After Wang Xiaoshuai independent film period of exploration, movie showing the " writer film" style. This article first chapter second Department of Wang Xiaoshuai the writer summarizes the road movie. Section second will Wang Xiaoshuai film writer style is divided into two major points. First of all, his film technique has its own originality, which includes use of voice processing conflict, long lens with a montage of a degree of relaxation as well as for the details and pictures of attention. Secondly, the Wang Xiaoshuai movie’s theme color is underground, which is mainly reflected in the film focuses on the performance of young love, displayed on the edge of reality environment and character, film for collective mythology destruction and personal publicity, film presents a Chinese city. Once again, and most earlier director, Wang Xiaoshuai’s films have obvious critical color, in real life there is a sensitive and critical.The third part of this paper focuses on the Wang Xiaoshuai had to face the problem of market. The portion of the first part discusses the Wang Xiaoshuai film to move toward the market confusion and his own efforts. While the second part is this film market background to conform, Wang Xiaoshuai described the film to move toward the market opportunity, and puts forward the film to obtain long-term development needs to adhere to the direction of.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wang Xiaoshuai, Underground director, Writer’s movie
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