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Approaching The Root Of The Phenomenon

Posted on:2013-05-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J HanFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Culture is a very sophisticated and abstractive concept. Thus, we need a specific thing of certain field to define its status and function in the contemporary society. This dissertation chooses culture news reports of mass media as the specific subject.Culture news reports occupies an uneasy position in the ecology of mass media, which exactly correspond to the situation of culture in the entire society. This dissertation tries to jump out of the logic of Consumer Society theory and discuss the issue of the uneasiness of culture without any preinstalled standpoint. Uneasiness means needs of adjustment. It gives culture vitality and flexibility. Consequently, there is no need to try getting culture away from uneasiness. Only in this way, culture can be the fundamental and open factor we use to understand the world.
Keywords/Search Tags:Culture, Culture news reports, Uneasiness
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