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A Study Of Rickie’s Oedipus Complex In Forster’s The Longest Journey

Posted on:2013-07-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H S WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330374452052Subject:English Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Longest Journey, published in1907, is written by E. M. Forster (1879-1970), aprominent English novelist of the20thcentury. Since its publication, it has aroused a largenumber of attention and comments from all aspects of the novel. Although researches on hisnovels from various perspectives have been made, yet, Rickie’s Oedipus Complex in TheLongest Journey has never been touched upon. Therefore, the present thesis attempts, byalluding to the theory of psychoanalysis as its theoretical basis, to make a study of Rickie’sOedipus Complex embodied in the novel. The aim of the study is to reveal that Rickie’sOedipus Complex leads to his tragedy. By studying Rickie’s Oedipus Complex in The LongestJourney, this thesis would offer more knowledge for the readers about Forster and his novelThe Longest Journey, and would provide more comprehensive understanding of the authorhimself and the novel in discussion.The thesis consists of six chapters. Chapter One makes a brief introduction to E. M.Forster, his major achievements and the literature review on The Longest Journey. ChapterTwo reviews the theory of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalysis theory inparticular, on which this thesis is based. Chapter Three discusses Rickie’s Oedipus Complexin kinship and analyzes its influences on Rickie. This chapter mainly deals with therelationships between Rickie and his parents, Rickie and his half brother Stephen as well. Byanalyzing the relationships above, we may find how Rickie’s Oedipus Complex comes intobeing and develops and influences his life in return. Chapter Four analyzes Rickie’s OedipusComplex in love and marriage and interprets its influences on Rickie. This chapter mainlydeals with the relationship between Rickie and his lover Agnes. By analyzing the relationshipbetween them, we may find how Oedipus Complex influences Rickie’s love and marriage aswell as his personality. Chapter Five examines Rickie’s Oedipus Complex in otherinterpersonal relationships and discusses its influences on Rickie. This chapter mainly dealswith the relationships between Rickie and his close friend Ansell, Rickie and his rival Gerald.By analyzing the relationships above, we may find how Oedipus Complex develops out of control and dominates Rickie’s mind.As a conclusion, Chapter Six attempts to reveal that, Oedipus Complex leads to Rickie’stragedy. Due to Oedipus Complex, Rickie’s mind and the reality move further apart. His deathseems to be inevitable. Thus, by analyzing Rickie’s Oedipus Complex in The Longest Journey,the thesis arrives at the conclusion that the most miserable thing in one’s life is not thephysical disability but the mental disability. The chapter also points out the limitations of theresearch and provides some suggestions for future studies.
Keywords/Search Tags:E. M. Forster, The Longest Journey, Rickie, Oedipus Complex
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