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The Ethical Reflection On GDP Worship

Posted on:2013-08-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhaoFull Text:PDF
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Development is the themes of our era which is the biggest problem in front of people, and each country and society must face the predicaments and problems of the development in any historical stage. And the problems are becoming more and more outstanding in our country, which is not only related to social stability, but also for the welfare of human beings and sustainable development. Because the development of the traditional economics in the field of vision is essentially unilateral pursue efficiency as the center of the economic growth concept under the guidance of scientific development, people are eager to search a way that can directly measure to gauge the rapid economic development with practice, so GDP stepped into people’s perspective. After the people are constantly aware of the benefits of GDP, they began to lose their rational control that push on the supreme throne and people worship the GDP irrationally that result in the inverted of the purpose and means of the development. What’s worse, a series of problems to the nature directly among the non-human biology and be in a state of imbalanxe development of human being. The series of difficulties that make the society development is unable to go smoothly in crisis original basis and policy guidance, and the urgent need of the development of our long concept to a profound reflection. It is in this kind of background, for analysing the values of the comb and ethical survey of China’s social development, this paper attempts to review the worship of the GDP, combined with the professional theory knowledge, and draw some lessons and ways that explores a scientific development way with Humanistic values as the guidance, so as to enhance people’s happiness life.This thesis is divided into three chapters, section ten, the specific content is summarised as follows:The first chapter mainly discusses the intrinsic link between the traditional concept of development and the GDP worship. It reveals the substance behind the GDP worship by the analysis of hazards and causes of GDP worship. The first section analyzes the traditional concept of development, which provides a theoretical basis for the three arguments of the GDP worship. Then in the second section, It proves the fact that the GDP worship is how to push the traditional concept of development to the extremity based on the real practice of GDP worship in the instance. And the hazard and substance of GDP worship is generalize in the third section.The second chapter first introduces the concept of development itself contains ethical value factors on the whole, and these moral factors produces some value guidances for the development. And then it proceed to exmine and reflect on the ethical values by three means of development purpose under GDP worship, development tools and development results. And finally exposited the development of GDP worship is a one-sided and unscientific, contrary to the moral and unsustainable developments. Thus, breaking the GDP worship is imperative.The third chapter is the part of the positive argument of this paper. By the GDP worship reflection, let us recognize GDP worship human attribution, it caused the GDP like a runaway horse lost due to constraints. Therefore, the cult of GDP still need a rational view, can not go from the rashness to the other side, and if completely abandoned the GDP. it is also non-rational. The most key is to put GDP under the shackles of morality, and to make it down the code of the moral, with steady speed. To get rid of GDP worship fundamentally, that need to completely change the traditional concept of development, and positioned on the ethical and humanistic values on the substance and content of the concept of development. At last, it try having a value dimensions of the comb about the development concept from the purpose of development, the means of development, the development of the results in the three main areas, and clearly shows that the ethical development is what, hope these things can provide more value reference in order to the establishment of ethically scientific concept of development, which guide China’s social development walk up the turely road of ethical and moral development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Social development, GDP worship, Ethics and morality, Concept ofdevelopment
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