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Analysis Of The Humanistic Thought Of Lao Tzu And Chuang Tzu

Posted on:2013-03-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W H LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371991397Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Current China is in a transitional period. On one hand, it reflects atthe development of economy of the Golden Age. On the other hand,social contradiction is in the highlighted period. With the deepening ofreform and opening up, economic system has reformed profoundly. Thesocial structure has changed profoundly. The Interest Pattern has adjusteddeeply, the changes of ideas profoundly. In the greatly changing epoch,social competition has been intense, the pace of life speeding up. Theutility purpose of communication make the way of thinking, the valueorientation, pattern of practice, moral values impacted, even subverted.Modern people surviving between the traditional and the modern times,are immersed in the predicament of existence. obviously performed at theflaw of ideal and belief, the landslide of moral, the fuzzy ofconsciousness of existence, the distortion of values, the dispirit ofspiritual. How to resolve the technical, utilitarian, the tools of alienation,solving the problem of the lack of the spirit, is a major issue for socialworkers. Taoism has its rich humanistic thought, whose core ofhumanistic thought pay attention to life. Emphasis on human nature, theRenascence Thought of Heavy Body Light Things, meek body back inthe same way, the Let Thing Take Their Own Course of health concepts;values the equality of people, pursues the equality of people and people,people and objects, and man and nature; put forward road Guide respectmoral freedom, no political freedom the spirit of freedom, free to view.Although it is a specific product of the times, it has its certain historicallimitation. But based on the deep understanding of human nature and inorder to realize the harmony of person and nature, person and society,person and itself, Laos and Chuang Tzu put forward to use human nature,equality, freedom, the three dimensions, to construct the subject of human. This inspire us to pay attention to life health, to treat competitionrationally, to care more about the ecological civilization; it also has greatsignificance on constructing modern people’s spiritual homes, promotingthe construction of socialist spiritual civilization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu, Humanistic thought, Modern value
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