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Comparative Study Of Chinese And Russian Usual Expression

Posted on:2013-09-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K X M MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371980292Subject:Chinese international education
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An integral part of such sayings is well known: the study of Chinese peopleidiom (готовое выражение), and twisters (недоговорки-иносказания), proverbs(пословицы), saying (поговорки) and so on.1961Ma Guo-fan in the Chinese linguists out a book called idioms: idioms is a stable type of phrase. According to the structure of its meaning is complete. Forexample, when things for other people, we repeat an already completed, it is referred toas "hot cold rice." If we flatter people, known as the "flatter." Hot left-"and" flatter "-idioms. In the1980’s. Conducted a careful study of such terms and contrastidioms. The phrase can be used for the written and spoken language, but they areoften used in the dialogue. Although the study, the linguist can not successfullydeduced the common differentiation characteristics of the different types of word units.Idiomatic expression occupy a very important position in the spoken language.They convey the phrase the brightness, image, emotion. But at the same time, it is verydifficult in the process of translation and exchange of Chinese and foreigners.Therefore, study habits to learn more about Chinese culture and history, as manyphrases into modern languages evolved by the Chinese history and mythology. In theRussian language has a similar word units. Chinese dialect expression (idiom) is alsovery interesting, such as the Shanghai dialect Cantonese dialect, reflecting thecharacteristics of the people living there, that area.Idiomatic expression characteristics:1) the structural integrity and indivisibility,2) Diversity3) fixed and flexible structure, can be understood, but there are certainstructural variation4) is more important is Suitable for oral style.The expression of proverbs and sayings, there are many differences of referencefor the human experience, they do not contain any teaching or preaching.Idiomatic expressions and idioms are very different. The latter is based on thespecification of the ancient Chinese, and its components usually contain a number ofobsolete words or monosyllabic words, and these outdated words and monosyllablesno longer used in modern Chinese.With regard to the number and scope of the idiomatic expression, expression as aconventional Chinese forms, there is a series of very contentious issues. This problemis to distinguish between the normal habits of expression with the metaphoricalmeaning of complex words, but must determine the word combinations of fixed state,these words occupy a peripheral position located between the idiom and the idiom, idioms and sayings.This situation created a great deal of difficulty to distinguish between idioms andcompound words. That is, words in syntactic relations is serving compound words eachcomposed of part of, within the compound words to understand the structure and theweak type’s syntax is the traditional letter is not to create one has a metaphoricalmeaning and the usual composite words express clearly defined great difficulties. Inthe field of Chinese Sayings, scholars horse country where high Kanto that part of thestructure of the idiom constructed according to the usual expression, and some havebeen transformed into a compound word. We found that a similar phenomenon inRussian, clear words, according to tradition alone writing (out of conscience, beforethe move and bounce, fall), the word is formed on the basis of the idiom of. However,in the integration of the Russian language writing, connecting vowel, and otherindicators, such as: bleeding-blood, until this day-today, Who is everywhere-everywhere, life-quarters.Idiomatic expression structure is different. The same idiom, mostly by the threepictographic character in Russian, but also by multiple pictograph. A usual word in asentence can be either part of the sentence, or may itself into sentences.The purpose and importance of the research topic is: The purpose of this subject-to study the Chinese idiom, made on the subject of literature and analysis. Russianphrase. Explore the similarities and differences of the two languages.The value of the subject-the use of literature and materials for further study ofChinese, Sino-Russian cultural exchanges.
Keywords/Search Tags:Comparative
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