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Application Of J.House’s TQA Model To Translation Of Ci-poetry

Posted on:2013-05-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371980172Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ci-poetry (also called Song Ci or Song lyric) is an important gem in ClassicalChinese literature, which has attracted a lot of audiences by its unique artistic flavor. Itoccupies an irreplaceable position not only in Chinese history but also in the worldtraditional culture, for its flexible form, refined language, elegant style, profoundsensibility and rich cultural images.There are two schools in Song Dynasty: gentle and restrained school, heroic andunconstrained school. As the representative of the former, Li Qingzhao is regarded asthe most outstanding Ci poet in this dynasty. Her works have exerted a great influenceon poets of her time and those of later generations. Therefore, to study Chineseancient literature, we have to mention the studies on Li Qingzhao and her Ci-poetry.However, how to translate Ci-poetry has always been a headache to translators. Dueto the personal differences in translators’ knowledge, aesthetic competence, theirtranslations are in endless variety, and it is difficult for readers to make a decision. Webadly need an applicable, objective, scientific and systematic criterion to judge thequality of translation. Among the existing TQA Models, Juliane House’s TQA Modelseems to be a better choice for us. Compared with conventional approaches toevaluating the translation’s quality, her model has great advantages in its profoundtheories, detailed assessing procedures as well as objective criticisms.Sheng Sheng Man is Li Qingzhao’s most celebrated works for its eternalaesthetic merits in sound, diction and image. Among those who have thrown theirefforts to research this Ci-poetry, Xu Yuanchong is an authoritative one not only forhis abundant translation practice but also his contribution to establishing translationtheories. Because of the universality and particularity of this Ci-poem, thecomparative study based on its translation by Xu Yuanchong will be effective inproving the legitimacy of the viewpoints put forward in this thesis.The thesis aims at making more people acquaint with this TQA Model and grasphow to operate it skillfully, arousing more attention on this field as well. At the sametime, the author hopes she can give some guidance to translation of classical poetry, which will also be beneficial for the improvement of the literary translation.Furthermore, this paper applies this model in a new field to test its feasibility andvalidity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Translation Quality Assessment, Register Theory, Interpersonal Function, ShengSheng Man
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