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The Research On The Credibility Of The Government Of Our Country From The Ethical Perspective

Posted on:2013-03-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ChenFull Text:PDF
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A series of emergency and public crisis of appearance, causes the governmentcredibility problems aroused and political interest. Scholars from the managementscience and politics are the points of the loss of the government credibility putforward the strategy of the treatment of our country, the ascension of the governmentcredibility has important theoretical and practical value. But we found that scholarsdidn’t realize ethics factors in the government credibility in the position and value ofthe government credibility research lack of humanistic care. Therefore, from theethical horizon to build the government credibility can yet be regarded as a new wayand method.The credibility of the government by three pillars, namely the governmentmanagement concept, behavior and performance, each of its elements are permeatedwith the ethical considerations, and moral are closely linked, with rich ethicalimplication. The government in the process of law enforcement must follow thepeople-oriented, ruling for the people of ethical principles, achieve fairness andjustice, the government law enforcement has the legality and legitimacy, the people’shappy life.Since founding a state, our country government credibility construction hasachieved fruitful achievements in public affairs, and the transparency of governmentwork has made the public has been received, especially in building aservice-oriented government and responsible government has been the broad massesof the people’s trust in government, public management is full of confidence.However, the social transformation but also to the credibility of the governmentconstruction brought a certain fluctuation, the credibility of the government in thegovernment of good faith, moral government, responsibility government appearedmany problems, seriously undermined the credibility of our government. Therefore,enhance the credibility of the government must start at the source.The credibility of the government by the idea, behavior and performance ofcomponents, their ethical implications are people-centered and governing for thepeople, showing fairness and justice and promote the well-being of the people.Enhance the credibility of the government but also from the three part to begin, inthe process all people-oriented, governing for the people; in the public lawenforcement process to achieve fairness and justice, avoid leaning to either side; in the government performance assessment as to whether or not the increase in people’shappiness as the standard. Only in this way, we can get the people’s support and trust,the credibility of the government will be more and more high, our government is amoral government, a legal and" good" government.
Keywords/Search Tags:The government credibility, concept, behavior, performance, ethical perspective
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