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A Research On The Vocabulary Of Yantielun

Posted on:2013-09-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371499368Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Yantielun(盐铁论)is compiled by Huan Kuan in the Western Han Dynasty,which records a political debate on government policy about the salt and iron.The book is completed between BC66and BC49years (the last year in the reign of Liu Xun),that is to say, this book is written in20years after the Salt and Iron Conference.The language in Yantielun (盐铁论)not only have the color of Pianti text (骈体文),but also basically retain the spoken language at that time,because it is a debate which happened in palace and has a large number of dialogue,so it is an important material for the study of Chinese vocabulary in the middle of the western han dynasty.The editor of Hanyu Da cidian have noticed the value of its words in this book,it collects a large number of words and meanings that appear in the Yantielun(盐铁论),of which include new words and new meanings.For example,when Hanyu Da cidian explains the "Dengde(登得)’’,"Fanguan(贩官)’,"Jianchu(简黜)’’,"Mouli(牟利)" and other words,it solely quotes the example in the Yantielun(盐铁论);when explaining the "Chiyu(池(?))’,"Gongshu(贡输)’’,"Guancheng(观成)","Luanzhen(乱真)","Saodong(搔动)’’,"Shixing(施行)","Zuozhu(佐助)’’,"Xunsi(徇私)"and etc, it cites Yantielun(盐铁论)as the first example.However, academic research on new words and meanings of the Yantielun{盐铁论)is still relatively weak.Therefore the article focuses on the value of the whole words in this book.In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this thesis is divided into two parts, the first part is the new words in the Yantielun(盐铁论)while the second part is the new meaning of Yantielun(盐铁论)".All of these are analyzed one by one in accordance with alphabetical order.In this thesis, we find and explain new words and new meanings, meanwhile we trace its source. About new words, we find that Hanyu Da cidian has failed to collect words like"Baobinglushi(暴兵露师)’’,"Bianhu(编户)","Chengxiangshi(丞相史)","Dadi(大第)","Chuanlv(穿履)","Dafujun(大夫君)",ect, while it collects later examples for words like "Cainv(才女)"."Daima(代马)","Dongshi(东市)"."Koufu(口赋)",’Mangren(盲人)","Mudu(目睹)","Qiwang(七王)","Qihuo(奇货)","Qingsheng('绳)","Qhiyu(室宇)’’,"Xiqiang(西羌)","Xianyao(鲜肴)”,"Xianchen(贤臣)","Xiaozhi(小指)"and so on. About new meanings, Hanyu Da cidian has failed to gather meanings like "the people of di"in"Diren(狄人)","broad house" in "Dongfang(洞房)’’,’the end of road"in"Metu(末途)","abadon one’s duty"in"Shishi(释事)’’and so on. Hanyu Da cidian collects later examples for these meanings as follows:"good faith"in"Chengxin(诚心、)"," with the gold coating, or embedded text or pattern "in"Jincuo(金错)"," elderly parents "in"Laoqin(老亲)",’imprisoned"in"Leixie(缧绁)","people"in"Liren(黎人)","adjacent territory" in " Linjing(邻境)","name"in"Minghao(名号)’," the emperor’s carriages, on behalf of that emperor"in"Niangu(辇毂)"," clear song "in"Qingge(清歌)"," weigh and assess"in"Quanheng(权衡)’’," civil "in "Renjian(人间)"and so on.This paper uses the Yantielun(盐铁论)to make a research on the situation of the words collected in the Hanyu Da cidian, which helps the revision of the Hanyu Da cidian and helps amend and supplement some of the conclusions of the history of Chinese vocabulary.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yantielun(盐铁论), Hanyu Da cidian, new vocabulary, newmeanings
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