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On Polyphonic Art Theory Of Shi Tiesheng’s Novels

Posted on:2013-03-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W Y GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371498491Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
For the realization of the commuincation between the soul,to get rid of theloneliness of the existence of human,Shi Tiesheng believed that the art can backoutthe interpersonal wall,to have a dialogue equally for the human soul,to be in contactwith each other freely for the human behavior.Therefore,when Shi Tiesheng was inthe worst time of his life,he selected writing.With his writings,he described the perfectstate uniquely in his heart,that was no taboo on the heart talk,that millions of peoplegathered together。Finally,His motives were to search the channels of the redemptionfor the handicapped(mentally,or physically).The conceptions of literature and artmade that Shi Tiesheng’novels have an obvious feature of dialogues,or Shi Tieshenghad a kind of the PolyPhony thinkings and the creativity tendeneies in his writings.This paper is divded into four chapters.The first chapter comments thecomparabilities between Shi Tiesheng’s novels and “Socratic dialogue”,“Menippeansatire literature”,and briefly introduces the religious thoughts of Shi Tiesheng’sworks.The author thinks that there are widely Buddhism, Christianism andexistentialism in the main protagonist’s thoughts of Shi Tiesheng’s novels, that makethe voice and the Plyphonic self-conscious of the main protagonist’s ideas, to have theduality and the Polyphony, that provide a possibility for the Polyphonic novel and thedialogue of the characters.Chapter2,it combines with the texts,to disscuss thephenomenons of the two voice word and the intertestuality. Chapter3argues thePolyphonic qualities of the main protagonist of Shi Tiesheng’s novel. Chapter4analyses the particular dialoques concretely in Shi Tiesheng’s novels.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shi Tiesheng’s novels, Polyphony, dialogue text, the protagonist
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