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Deverbalization In C-E Interpretation

Posted on:2013-05-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T T YangFull Text:PDF
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Deverbalization plays a crucial part in almost all the interpreting processes. The goalof interpretation is to convey the meaning of the speaker, together with his/her emotion andattitudes, and to remove all kinds of language and cultural barriers so as to createunderstanding between people with different languages and cultural backgrounds.According to the Interpretive Theory of translation, it is the meaning and ideas that aresupposed to be translated or interpreted, rather than words or phrases themselves. Based onthe Interpretive Theory, particularly its idea on deverbalization, this paper attempts toexplore how to “deverbalize” in C-E interpretation through analyzing the case of BaiYansong’s Speech at Yale University in2009. The methods discussed includeomission, addition, literal translation with annotation, as well as free translation. Inaddition, it is argued in this thesis that the complete mastery of the skill of deverbalizationalso requires acute language sensitivity that is developed over a long period of time, a richstock of knowledge, quick and witty response on the spot under pressure, as well asawareness of intercultural communication. It is hoped that these detailed methods listedabove would help to cope with difficulties in interpretation in similar situations.
Keywords/Search Tags:C-E interpretation, deverbalization, meaning, communication
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