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Deep Love And Leisure Tone Research On Jin Zenghao’s Literary Creation

Posted on:2013-11-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371494291Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this thesis, contemporary writers Jin Zenghao’s works were used as the object ofstudy. Jin Zenghao was living in Changshu, Jiangsu Province. His life and literarycreations were very little be researched in academic research. The author went to JinZenghao’s studio in Changshu, did a face-to-face communication and had an interviewwith him. According to what Jin Zenghao has said and the data has been collected, hislife and works are going to be sorted by further study. Owing to Jin Zenghao’s goodreputation in children’s literary he was known as children’s literature writers by the majoracademic community. This academic paper proposed a new explanation on JinZenghao’s children’s literature, which especially focus on the two aspects of "Little man"series and "Nature" series. At the same time, this paper has done some research ofrelatively few studies of Jin Zenghao of the south series of work and done further studyin depth. On the one hand, he is adept in shaping contemporary juvenile image. On theother hand, his distinctive animal novels broaden aesthetic horizon. Two writingtechniques have been use smoothly in this passage. In addition, the world of teenagerscreated in this work is full of growing tension, and it not only value the virtues, but alsoembrace the odiousness in life. In this way, this work is important for teaching youngreaders to know the diversity of life, face the reality, and confront the millstones. Theanimal world, on the other hand, is filled with the Children’s temperament and interest.The careful description and the poetic expression of the animals’ natural Characteristics,life habits and behaviors both show creatural primitiveness and the emotional connection between human and animals. What’s more, the unique perspective from”god”reveal theequality of the right to life. In short, Jin Zenghao’s prose series make the leisurely southminor more bright and clear. When it comes to the depiction of the hometown and thetrue emotion, there is a strong sense of the style of monochrome abbreviated ink work.The paper is divided into four chapters.Chapter Ⅰ Jin Zenghao’s life and experiencewill be represented. It will also refer to how he began his writing career. Chapter IIEnjoyable south–the quiet flows on country blues. And the paper will explain sometraits of essays.Chapter III The series of the “little man”-Sing of children’s voicecontains a growth of a person, which specifically discusses the concept of innovation ofjuvenile novel and children’s literature. Chapter Ⅳ, Song of the natural creatures-aria oflife. The paper fully explains animal novels, detailedly analyses the full range of animalpersonality show and the "God" perspective".
Keywords/Search Tags:Jin Zenghao, South, youth, animals, children’s literature
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