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The Research On The Techniques Of Export Watercolour Of The Thirteen-hong Of Canton

Posted on:2013-01-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Y HuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the eighteenth and nineteenth century, with guangzhou the development of foreign trade, once the rise in abroad "of china-craze", it comes from the works of art popular. And because of the different culture, westerners for China painting way has always been a bit of difficult accept, in order to satisfy the western aesthetic demand, China painter reference the skills of oil paintings, the integration of the traditional Chinese painting, consciousness, finally led to export the generation of painting, watercolor is one of the major categories. Export water colors from the middle of the18th century to the19th century check, lasted for more than one hundred years. Port in painting scenery, guangzhou customs, time, flower and bird renditions of water flea and all walks of life and social life mainly reflect the guangzhou theme, skills and follow Chinese painting brushwork sponsors in consciousness, is not much more study of Chinese social life and customs of the important literature material, to study Chinese and western painting cultural exchange has important reference value, especially for today’s Chinese watercolor painting technique development to have the important reference and enlightenment.Domestic and overseas scholars to guangzhou13line of research has quite a few export watercolor of research results, but the lack of systematic research for export watercolor painting techniques. Based on the former research achievements of comb, mainly on the export of watercolour painting techniques from the perspective of guangzhou13do watercolor export techniques formation, performance, and style characteristics and techniques on the further explorations.This paper mainly to image study is given priority to, combined with history and aesthetic, art of subjects such as research results, as well as the export of Chinese and foreign painting research achievements on comprehensive study.Research shows that the formation of watercolour painting techniques export because of the special line13guangzhou trade points opening drive foreign cultural collision exchanges;Export watercolor painting techniques with the pen, paper, performance in water, coloring, merging Chinese and western painting techniques and combining the features of The Times, etc;The unique techniques of drawing water colors present a brush export exquisite realistic, theme, unique, and the obvious to line modelling style characteristics such as stereo feeling. At the same time, the export of current China watercolor watercolor techniques have important reference value.
Keywords/Search Tags:Export watercolor, techniques, Style characteristics
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