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Economic Thought And Practice Of Cai Jing

Posted on:2013-01-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371476438Subject:Special History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Cai Jing is the history of the famous treacherous court official, his supporters of reform from Wang Anshi alternated to the prime minister, in official several on the ups and downs. When he was in office promulgating economic measures, and as the governor late northern Song dynasty, he beared an unshirkable responsibility for the perished of the dynasty. This paper are mainly from the economic thoughts and economic practice in this phase of Cai Jing the gain and loss.Cai Jing was born in the Officials of family,and was one of Scholars in the third year of Xinning on Song Shenzong. He was among the political reformers in his early political career, and was demoted after the conservatives took the official power. he was gradually to be prime minister during the identity governance in the period of Song Huizong, presided over a series of economic reform. The economic thoughts pile on Cai Jing legalists’ thought characteristic, and by the age environmental factors and the effect of Wang Anshi financial management concepts. His economic views emphasize national patent, advocated the consumption stimulate production, also sharpened social contradiction. At the same time, a reform to strengthen the centralized objectively role, imperial power with the basic laws of development, so many measures by the later feudal dynasty inherited. In the period of Wang Anshi’s reforms, to the identity of the local officials in Cai Jing’s economic activities, and indeed done something practical for the people. After ruled the economic reform, mainly through strengthening the Que system, reform and improvement of the ship to the monetary measures to strengthen the government’s income. Cai Jing’s economic reform is the government of the northern Song dynasty temporarily relieve financial crisis, meet the highest ruler extravagant beg, but only regardless of long-term sight of economic reform, a premature consumes financial resources of the people, also accelerated the decline of the dynasty.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cai Jing, Economic thought, Practice
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