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The Research On Schiller’s Aesthetics Thought

Posted on:2013-05-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ZhaoFull Text:PDF
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The existence of human beings is part of space and time, Schiller is no exception. Space-time is the best metaphor of our life, as it is related with all of the ingredients and information for a human being to exist. Only in specific spaces, can human beings truly exist, and only in specific times, can human beings be seen as a significant individual. Or human beings are just some solitary, meaningless pieces. So there is no better angle than space-time to look through how a human exists. Schiller’s esthetics thought is the information carrier of his existence. To look into Schiller’s esthetics thought, we should also follow the clue of space-time. Space is the environment he lived in, that is, the social and historical setting under which aesthetics came into being. Time means sequence and transformation, known as past, present, and future. Schiller Aesthetics, as an important part of western aesthetics in18th Century, is bound up with the aesthetics before it. They made up the aesthetics in18th Century, an organic whole. Organic whole is the appearance of necessary connection. It reflects in Schiller’s aesthetics which is influenced by formal aesthetics, life aesthetics, and Kant’s critic aesthetics. This is the " past " in time. And because the aesthetics in18th Century is closely related with metaphysics, the state of" past" appears as the connection between Schiller’s aesthetics thought and the previous idealism, empiricism, and Kant’s critic philosophy. The " present " of time is when Schiller lived as an individual, where space and time mixed, and Schiller existed as himself, as who he truly was, showing his individuality. The result is that Schiller created his own idea and a complete aesthetics system. The " present " in time unconsciously puts Schiller’s aesthetics and the aesthetics in18th Century together, blending the individual and the whole, individuality and the generality together. Then the " future " comes." Future " is a controversial concept. In a certain degree, it may cause misreading about Schiller’s aesthetics, but it can also highlight the significance of his achievement in history. The " future " in time mainly emerges in the influence, value, assessment and understanding of Schiller’s aesthetics thought. Schiller’s aesthetics thought concentrates on the perennial question—" the freedom of human ", which leads the future of Schiller’s aesthetics not only to our present, but also to our future, to a never-ending pursuit of happy life. To get a thorough and accurate understanding of Schiller’s aesthetics thought, we are requested to go back to the age in which he lived. We need to have a good knowledge of the aesthetics in18th Century and the social history at that time in Germany, so that we can get a idea how Schiller’s thought came into being and find a way to dig out his individuality and contribution. Only in this way, can we make sure Schiller’s thought be developed in a right way.
Keywords/Search Tags:Schiller, Aesthetic, background, Contribution, Value
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