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The Study Of Wu Lifu’s Painting Aesthetic Thought

Posted on:2013-07-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y JiangFull Text:PDF
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Wu lifu is a special cultural celebrity in the history of the Chinese modem culture ,he is afamous western literary expert, translator, traditional Chinese painter. In his comprehensiveacademic achievements, many people pay more attention to the western literary theory, in thepainting is not aesthetic thought captured people’s attention. Wu Lifu studied in UK in hisyoung ages, so he had the western cultural knowledge accumulation, plus the profundity ofChinese traditional culture, his painting aesthetic thought with wide tolerance and openness,so they have the important research value. This paper tries to introduce Wu Lifu’s paintingaesthetic thought from the objective view and comprehensive aspects , this paper is dividedinto four parts :The first part introduces Wu Lifu and his background of painting aesthetic thought,including Wu Lifu’s life stories and his literature, western literary aesthetics, painting theoryand painting achievements, focus on his special background of painting aesthetic thought andhis history’s attitude and methodology.The second part discusses the characteristics and contribution of Wu Lifu’s paintingaesthetics thought.First of all, he proposed the creation of art should comes from threeaspects:the artistic intuition, the art of abstract, artistic creation, the life of artistic formmeans that the production of artists’ inner soul ,it is a kind of sense of life’sre-creation.Secondly, Wu Lifu advocated painting should focus on its meaning too much notfor its shape, especially the traditional Chinese literati painting is often far from its shape toseek rhyme of their appearance, in order to get the essence of painting.Finally, Wu Lifuproposed that the dialectical relationship between" the painting of ’law ’ and" paintingmeaning "form painting technique aspect ,it is not simply follows the laws and rules of thepainting, but a more profound meaning of the aesthetic category. In the creative principle ofcalligraphy and painting, people should use "painting meaning" to control "painting rules" ,strive to combine them actively, so as to create a transcendent conception of art.The third part introduces that Wu Lifu explained characteristics and differences ofChinese and Western painting from the language differences,structure comparison and creation of the basis three aspects.He proposed that we should combine Chinese culture andwestern culture , cherish their common advantages while reserving their differences.The fourth part mainly discusses Wu Lifu’s several important aspects of the traditionalliterati painting’s aesthetic implications, he discussed the different meaning of these aestheticimplications: the realm of art should be "simple", artistic inspiration is "accidental" foraccumulation in the daily life ,then get to a harmonious and artistic pursuit in the end, all in all,we should have "simple" attitude facing everything, could create wonderful masterpieces.The basis of Wu Lifu’s painting aesthetic thought comes form the ideological foundationof traditional Chinese literati painting theory.However, he not only carried forward theessence of the traditional literati painting theory but also combined with the characteristics ofwestern painting theories ,he put forward their own unique artistic views in the new era, heinjected lots of new blood into the modern art world.The thought of his Chinese and Westernpainting aesthetics and his painting theory with practice of combining paintings left a valuableasset to future generations of traditional Chinese painting field.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wu Lifu, painting, literati painting
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