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The Comparison Research Of The Useage Between "wei Le" And "yin Wei" In Chinese

Posted on:2013-11-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X F YinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330362473336Subject:Chinese Philology
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The study of function words is always the pop facet in the study of Chinesesyntax. Both conjunctions and preposition are two categories in Chinese functionword, those production and development have its own characteristics. Because "为了"can be preposition and conjunction, there are so many different points of the use of"为了" when it means reasons in the modern Chinese syntax academia, and tocompare with "因为","为了" is a function word, so "为了" can mean reasons andpurpose, we always mix up "为了"and "因为" when we use them in sentences. Whatcause this situation? There are three reasons:1)In language, the causality hides in the purpose, sometimes they are similar, butsometimes they are different. The subjective tendentiousness is the main characteristicof the purpose, beside it, there are anticipatory and initiative. The causality hasimpersonal tendentiousness, and it isn’t anticipatory and initiative.2)"为了"and "因为" all can be conjunction and preposition. They can expressthe reason or purpose whether they are conjunction or preposition. They are differentin the function of syntax. These case can mix up their function when we discuss thesetwo words.3)From a diachronic of view,"为了" and "因为" come from the course that thenotional words "为" and "因" in pre-Qin changed to the function words. By the trendof Chinese complex tone,"为" and "因" changed to "为了" and "因为", because thefunction of "为" don’t have differentiation,"为了" and "因为" are similar in syntax.In modern Chinese,"为了" and "因为" can be used interchangeably in manycases, and there are few differences between them. But they are different certainly. Ifthey are used in a same sentence, their meaning and expression should be different atall. About this problem, the study is a few in the modern Chinese syntax academia. Sothis paper can cater for this situation.This paper is mainly about the compare of"为了" and "因为", to compare the use of "为了" with the use of "因为".ChapterⅠ i smainly about the concepts of the two words “reason” and “purpose”.This chapter tries to explain the relation and differences between “reason” and“purpose” in philosophy facet and language facet. This chapter is the theory base ofthe following chapters.Chapter II analyses when"为了" is a preposition and when it is a conjunction.Firstly, we analyze it in syntax facet and find the differences between the prepositional"为了" and conjunctional"为了", these can be the academic evidence to prove thereare some invisible differences between"为了" and "因为". Secondly, according toanalyze the objects are inducted by"为了"and the choose of these kind of objects, tojudge when "为了"is a preposition and when it is a conjunction.Chapter Ⅲ is the study of "因为". Firstly, analyzing the using ways of"因" as apreposition and a conjunction when it means reasons; secondly, according to thesentence structure of "因为" when it is used in Chinese, to discuss the syntaxcharacteristics and the semantics function of"因为" as a preposition and aconjunction.Chapter Ⅳ analyses the semantics of"为了". Firstly, this chapter analyses themeanings and the using ways of "为了", showing "为了" means reasons more thanmeans purpose. Secondly, this chapter analyses the situation of mix using between "为了"and "因为". The research of this chapter bases on that"为了" and"因为" can allmeans reasons.Chapter Ⅴ explores the origin and development of the function words "为了"and "因为" with a diachronic point of view. There are so many language evidencescan prove that the meaning of"因、因为" change to different from the meaning of "为、为了\着" in about two hundred years. With this change,"因、因为"means reasons,and"为、为了\着" means purpose. There also many language evidences can prove thatprepositions and conjunctions show a kind of “two-tone” characteristic by the trend of“Chinese vocabulary dual-tone”. This chapter reveals the reason why in the useof modern Chinese "为了" and "因为" would cause confusion, because the feature of "为"doesn’ t have differentiation.The final chapter is the conclusion. This chapter summarizes the content of thisarticle, points out the innovation in this paper, and points out the insufficiency of thispaper that is unresolved and need to research more.
Keywords/Search Tags:"为了", "因为", "为着", "为因", reasons, purpose
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