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Pissarro Painting Art Research

Posted on:2013-09-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y XueFull Text:PDF
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19th century French Impressionist painter Camille Pissarro (1830-1903) was known asthe "Miller in the Impressionist works mainly in rural and peasant themes. Pissarro continueto explore the art of painting on the road to find a modern, integrated method,Chevreul,Michel Eugene studied color theory, optical color instead of paint color, coloroptical France as the impression painting palette of law, resulting in a strong sense of lightand rich colors. Pissarro paintings express the moments of flat space into the flow of timebecame art space, breaking the traditional art of painting “natural color” performance, theuse of bright colors and the sun’s natural charm to shape the moment things the good. Theart of Pissarro’s paintings bring to life the infinite complexity of feelings linked to theaesthetic properties and natural properties to create a simple, natural artistic image, showinga strong aesthetic emotion and aesthetic value, right after the art of painting a pivotal role.Four chapters discuss the art of painting of Pissarro, Pissarro’s historical background,language and works of art of painting to convey emotion and meaning, and impact on futuregenerations is described. Pissarro, with artistic intuition to nature as the basis, each oneworks in the clever use of light and color, the screen space of the perspective of theprinciple of the visual observation of the screen images real realistic to stabilize thecomposition of the picture, solid and balanced unity. Pissarro described the scene andpeople are closely linked, resulting in a principal object of the realism of people’s innerspirit level to fully express their insight into the natural.Pissarro’s creation bring the world of painting techniques, Pissarro painting art onWestern art of painting had a profound meaning, and promote the development of themodern art of painting.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pissarro, Impressionism paintings, natural, light and color
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