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Beauty Of Benevolence

Posted on:2012-04-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D T WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330362462025Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper attempts to explore the significance and the concept of aesthetic education in the practice by discussing Confucius’thought of personality theory. It is to build an aesthetic personality of“Beauty of Benevolence”.In the project of research, the author regards the building of the Confucius’aesthetic personality in the aesthetic education as a dynamic formation process. The so called dynamic formation process is to look the aesthetic education as a dynamic entirety, and, it is under the guidance of the aesthetic theory education practice, starting from the essence of aesthetic education. Therefore, in the theoretical level of study, the thinking of Confucius’aesthetic education will be used in the comprehensive of aesthetics, pedagogy, and psychology. This thought is reflected in the structure and arrangement of the paper, and the way to read“Beauty of Benevolence”. Put Confucius’ thought as a whole especially the "benevolence" is the way of Confucius’ success .It is the comprehensive of knowledge, moral and aesthetic. In the aesthetic terms, "Benevolence" has become "Beauty of Benevolence ". The discussion of aesthetic significance as well as handling their relations reasonable make the aesthetic meaning get fully and dose not break away from the whole expression. So it formed "Benevolence"——provisions of poetry and music——"Beauty of Benevolence" such a dynamic formation process in the structure.The study of traditional is still need to cope with the contemporary society. The interpretation of aesthetic personality under the modern culture context embodies free character under the new view of human essence, and principle of transcendence under the new relationship between beautiful and good. The characteristics have more value on individual in the education concept, it reflects life as artistic in real life, it reflects the“methodology of rule and adaptability”. It not only can be regarded as the modify of the external environment of aesthetic culture, but also can be regarded as the correction of inner mind of individual. It shows the real concern for human life and can help to reshape the meaning of human life.
Keywords/Search Tags:Confucius, Personality, Aesthetic Personality, Benevolence, Beauty of Benevolence
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